Can I cook mushrooms without boiling

All the mushroom dishes I prefer the fried mushrooms. Moreover, without pre-boiling. It is no secret that the cooked mushrooms are soft, slippery and lose their taste, or rather, give him the broth is good for soup, but, alas, spoils the taste of the mushrooms themselves.Immediately say, that the speech will be about mushrooms collected personally and deliberately away
from highways, deep in the forests of the Moscow region.Of course, it is true to say,
in the suburbs there are absolutely void: wind rose, factories... But in the world there are no
nothing perfect other than our ideas. We breathe the same air that drives us rose
winds from the nearest smoker... However, I am in no way insist, just
talk about how they live and what they eat. And what not to eat...
So, for many decades I fried without pre-boiling and eating
white mushrooms
chanterelles and irowiki
mushroom umbrella
Same thing with his cousin, the mushroom-umbrella. But there is one hat enough for the frying pan. True, and mushrooms, and umbrellas very much warialda. So to feed one mushroom, even a very large one, the whole family will fail.
With mushrooms it's simple. The main thing is to learn to distinguish them toadstools, and not miss the wave. Mushrooms, especially small, can not be cleaned. Although traditionally we are storing honey for the winter (pickle) and fried they are good, as flavorful, strong and warialda not much.
Russula In the last years, I refused to frying raw Russula. As among them often come across caustically-burning. Bitterly pungent Russula is not poisonous, but the pan of mushrooms to spoil can. To distinguish Russula caustic-stinging from honest, you can only bite each mushroom raw. Laziness. But if they are boiled (briefly), add raw onions the onions, salt and sunflower oil — it will be unforgettable salad of Russula. And it is not true that Russula tasteless and used only for mass. And you try not to disturb them with other mushrooms!
Who is behind the scenes,
what mushrooms should be pre-boiled? Of course, morels and lines, pig. Dubovik (bluish) is also best boiled, although they are not fatal and without cooking. The flap mushrooms, goats are not to cook, but they can easily be confused with dubovyky.
Left-overs are also mushrooms require soaking: volnushki, black cumin, mushrooms, etc... But that's another story.
Tried to use and nesvarenie fried Dubovik (turning blue). I do not advise — will carry. Yes, and the clever books are marked as requiring pre-boiling.
Individualne osobennostyami Gribble mushrooms are good in any form, and white. Roasted are becoming a blur, the leg acquires a beautiful Golden color. Old mushrooms you can remove the tubular layer of the cap. Wormy white mushroom throw a pity, I'm such a mushroom land in the sun — the worms in this case, leave it alone for a few days.
Podberezovsky, wet marsh boletus, on a thin stalk, are completely harmless but can spoil the texture of the mushroom roast. Well, worms do not decorate your dish. In the skinny on mushrooms at the time, you can delete this boletus tubular layer of the cap.
Birch, aspen and white should not be confused with turning pink with boletus (mushroom gall).
Macstumbler for frying cooking is also not required. But with them you need patience — a from cleaning can not escape. I repeat: clean the mushrooms it is better to wash until the hat is dry and not slippery. In season it is hard to resist and when to stop. But worth it, because boletus do not tolerate transport and storage.
Lickilicky is one of my favorite mushrooms. Because of the unique flavor, color, texture and acervuli. Although, I'll note. This year, cutting the Fox, he found in it a large worm — rain! What was he doing there? Had to release in the pompasov. The chanterelles are fried quickly, so the General pan I send them with a delay. And I cut bigger, small cooked whole.
Salpingoneostomy wild mushrooms the taste is not similar to the one that you can buy in the store. Dishes from purchased recommend mushrooms to spice and pounded dried forest mushroom. Wild mushroom anyone themselves seasoned. If you catch more than two mushrooms, I prefer to fry them separately so as not to lose unique taste.
Source: sadovos.ru/my-forest/gribyi/mozhno-li-zharit-gribyi#ixzz3L1VMalF1