9 illustrations of how we look in the eyes of animals
Eighty eight million six hundred sixty two thousand three hundred sixty six
"Dogs think we are gods, but cats are their slaves" — this joke is not funny and very bearded. Actually our smaller brethren perceive us differently.
The website offers to your attention images that reveal the secrets of animals. They just make you smile!
Illustrator Natalia Popova specifically for the Website
See also
8 comic book about how we see our dogs
Here is the familiar world through the eyes of different animals
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/vot-kak-vyglyadit-znakomyj-nam-mir-glazami-raznyh-zhivotnyh-1366315/
"Dogs think we are gods, but cats are their slaves" — this joke is not funny and very bearded. Actually our smaller brethren perceive us differently.
The website offers to your attention images that reveal the secrets of animals. They just make you smile!

Illustrator Natalia Popova specifically for the Website
See also
8 comic book about how we see our dogs
Here is the familiar world through the eyes of different animals
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/vot-kak-vyglyadit-znakomyj-nam-mir-glazami-raznyh-zhivotnyh-1366315/