10 things that will make an image of fashion in 1 minute
Twenty two million seven hundred seventy one thousand four hundred ninety eight
There's something fashionable, but there is something eternal. So why not combine these two things and not get something amazing and versatile?
The website has prepared for you a list of the coolest things that will instantly add to any look +100 points for style.
Thing striped
The strip did not even think to go out of fashion. Moreover, found a new variation. For those who are bored with the basic options, it is time to choose a major and color, asymmetric and unusual stripes. In any case, you will not regret it.
Dress with floral print
Feminine dress with floral print now at the peak. Choose what will you prefer: with flounces, in small or large flower or embroidery. And more retro!
T-shirts with inscriptions
If you like bands, brands, or want to Express their stance, it's time to place this inscription on his t-shirt. Don't hesitate yourself and your Hobbies!
Thing khaki
Khaki is the new black, designed to dilute the classic combinations. It can be a casual jacket or a chic evening dress olive green — be sure you can afford it.
Classic trench
Trench — the one basic thing that never fails. However, please pay attention to the details. Tuck the sleeves, lift the collar, as if the thing was you great — it's even better.
Jacket with shoulder pads
Want to maintain the image of a strong and independent, but nevertheless look feminine? Do not have to wear a suit jacket with shoulder pads will be enough. Wear it with a blouse and trousers and with jeans and light dresses.
Thing red
"We need more red!" — repeat to us designers. "Why not?" — we answer. Focus on the big things — dresses, pants, suits, outerwear and be amazing.
Lace top
Not so long ago the linen silk top with lace shot for fashion shows and is already densely settled as the basic things along with t-shirts and blouses. Try new provocative combination, decide.
Handbag with chain
This time it is time to put the big bag away and get a compact accessory on the chain. This can be a classic envelope, and perhaps more interesting option in the form of a cupcake or lips. The main — chain.
Jacket with inscriptions on the back
Just like in the case of the t-shirt. If you were only waiting for the moment to upgrade the jacket forward! Embroidery, fabric applique, paint or print and let everyone look and envy your courage.
Photos on the preview giizeleoliveira
See also
9 chips which will blow fashion spring-summer season
10 evidence that only one piece changes drastically
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/10-dokazatelstv-chto-vsego-odna-detal-menyaet-obraz-do-neuznavaemosti-1481515/
There's something fashionable, but there is something eternal. So why not combine these two things and not get something amazing and versatile?
The website has prepared for you a list of the coolest things that will instantly add to any look +100 points for style.
Thing striped
The strip did not even think to go out of fashion. Moreover, found a new variation. For those who are bored with the basic options, it is time to choose a major and color, asymmetric and unusual stripes. In any case, you will not regret it.
Dress with floral print
Feminine dress with floral print now at the peak. Choose what will you prefer: with flounces, in small or large flower or embroidery. And more retro!
T-shirts with inscriptions
If you like bands, brands, or want to Express their stance, it's time to place this inscription on his t-shirt. Don't hesitate yourself and your Hobbies!
Thing khaki
Khaki is the new black, designed to dilute the classic combinations. It can be a casual jacket or a chic evening dress olive green — be sure you can afford it.
Classic trench
Trench — the one basic thing that never fails. However, please pay attention to the details. Tuck the sleeves, lift the collar, as if the thing was you great — it's even better.
Jacket with shoulder pads
Want to maintain the image of a strong and independent, but nevertheless look feminine? Do not have to wear a suit jacket with shoulder pads will be enough. Wear it with a blouse and trousers and with jeans and light dresses.
Thing red
"We need more red!" — repeat to us designers. "Why not?" — we answer. Focus on the big things — dresses, pants, suits, outerwear and be amazing.
Lace top
Not so long ago the linen silk top with lace shot for fashion shows and is already densely settled as the basic things along with t-shirts and blouses. Try new provocative combination, decide.
Handbag with chain
This time it is time to put the big bag away and get a compact accessory on the chain. This can be a classic envelope, and perhaps more interesting option in the form of a cupcake or lips. The main — chain.
Jacket with inscriptions on the back
Just like in the case of the t-shirt. If you were only waiting for the moment to upgrade the jacket forward! Embroidery, fabric applique, paint or print and let everyone look and envy your courage.
Photos on the preview giizeleoliveira
See also
9 chips which will blow fashion spring-summer season
10 evidence that only one piece changes drastically
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/10-dokazatelstv-chto-vsego-odna-detal-menyaet-obraz-do-neuznavaemosti-1481515/
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