12 evidence that our brain lives its own life
Ninety three million four hundred eleven thousand two hundred thirty nine
Sometimes it seems like our brain is a completely independent personality. He shoved us inappropriate thoughts, tormenting us with doubts and temptations — all without our consent. We in the Website have a good dream on the subject, resulting in these funny illustrations. Enjoy!
Illustrator Astkhik Rakimova specifically for the Website
See also
I vs Brain
20 illustration of how smartphones have taken over our lives
12 illustrations about why aliens are not coming with us on contact
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/12-illyustracij-o-tom-pochemu-inoplanetyane-ne-idut-s-nami-na-kontakt-1424915/
Sometimes it seems like our brain is a completely independent personality. He shoved us inappropriate thoughts, tormenting us with doubts and temptations — all without our consent. We in the Website have a good dream on the subject, resulting in these funny illustrations. Enjoy!












Illustrator Astkhik Rakimova specifically for the Website
See also
I vs Brain
20 illustration of how smartphones have taken over our lives
12 illustrations about why aliens are not coming with us on contact
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/12-illyustracij-o-tom-pochemu-inoplanetyane-ne-idut-s-nami-na-kontakt-1424915/