15 gorgeous photos of the birth of a new life
Seventy one million four hundred forty one thousand five hundred twenty six
Whether to show the public the hidden process such as childbirth, — the question, of course, controversial. This is often a very explicit pictures, but the skill of the authors helps us to see the unique beauty of what is happening. But it is a miracle — the birth of a child. And see the first moments of his life is incredible.
We are in Site could not pass by the stunning atmospheric photos from the competition held in 2017, the international Association of professional birth photographers.
Breathe to the beat
Before the meeting
The road to the birth of
The joy of motherhood
Defenders forever
Happy ending
All behind
Keep the child's fingers is amazing
Skin-to-skin, heart to heart, soul to soul
Became a brother
First glance
The power of love
I'll always be here for you, okay?
Incomparable pleasure
His Majesty is here!
Source International Association of Professional Birth Photographers
Photo on preview Birth Services by Sean Sue
See also
When the dancer becomes the photographer
20 photos that change the view of the world
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/20-fotografij-kotorye-menyayut-vzglyad-na-mir-870510/
Whether to show the public the hidden process such as childbirth, — the question, of course, controversial. This is often a very explicit pictures, but the skill of the authors helps us to see the unique beauty of what is happening. But it is a miracle — the birth of a child. And see the first moments of his life is incredible.
We are in Site could not pass by the stunning atmospheric photos from the competition held in 2017, the international Association of professional birth photographers.
Breathe to the beat
Before the meeting

The road to the birth of

The joy of motherhood

Defenders forever

Happy ending

All behind

Keep the child's fingers is amazing

Skin-to-skin, heart to heart, soul to soul

Became a brother

First glance

The power of love

I'll always be here for you, okay?

Incomparable pleasure

His Majesty is here!

Source International Association of Professional Birth Photographers
Photo on preview Birth Services by Sean Sue
See also
When the dancer becomes the photographer
20 photos that change the view of the world
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/20-fotografij-kotorye-menyayut-vzglyad-na-mir-870510/
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