6 internal problems of which we cry rash on the face
Thirty million nine hundred sixty six thousand five hundred sixty six
Chinese doctors call the human face a "window of health". All because our skin is sensitive to any disruptions and changes in the body, sending us signals, for example in the form of pimples.
The site is understood to work what organs should pay attention if the face rash.
The forehead and eyebrows
Appeared on forehead or above the eyebrow rash is likely to indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows is "responsible" for the liver.
Pimples on the nose signal that there are irregularities in the cardiovascular system. The reason for that primarily is stress.
According to Chinese physicians, the skin of the ears is inextricably linked with the kidneys and urinary system.
The cheekbones and the upper part of the cheeks reflect the work of our lungs and bronchi. Acne that appears here may indicate problems with the respiratory system. Another cause can be allergic.
But the rash on the lower area of the cheeks can talk about the presence of dental problems.
Dermatological problems of the area around the mouth can serve us a signal about the problems with digestion, resulting in indigestion and intestinal colic.
Pimples in this area generally call us to pay attention to the reproductive system. Another cause of rashes can be a hormonal imbalance and a certain phase of the menstrual cycle in women.
According to the materials of Modern Salon, Bellatory, YouBeauty
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via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/7-sekretov-bezuprechnoj-kozhi-aziatskih-krasavic-1395865/
Chinese doctors call the human face a "window of health". All because our skin is sensitive to any disruptions and changes in the body, sending us signals, for example in the form of pimples.
The site is understood to work what organs should pay attention if the face rash.
The forehead and eyebrows

Appeared on forehead or above the eyebrow rash is likely to indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows is "responsible" for the liver.
- Try to fix the situation, eliminating from the diet of fatty and fried foods and substantially reducing the use of alcohol.

Pimples on the nose signal that there are irregularities in the cardiovascular system. The reason for that primarily is stress.
- Try to lead an active way of life, to learn to relax and observe the sleep mode.

According to Chinese physicians, the skin of the ears is inextricably linked with the kidneys and urinary system.
- Finding pimples on the ears, the first thing to abstain from the excessive use of salt and coffee. And also train yourself to drink more water.

The cheekbones and the upper part of the cheeks reflect the work of our lungs and bronchi. Acne that appears here may indicate problems with the respiratory system. Another cause can be allergic.
But the rash on the lower area of the cheeks can talk about the presence of dental problems.
- Pay attention to your respiratory system. First of all, get plenty of walk and breathe the fresh air, stop Smoking and avoid all kinds of "Smoking".
- Pay special attention to the oral hygiene. Try to eat less sweets and avoid sugary sodas.

Dermatological problems of the area around the mouth can serve us a signal about the problems with digestion, resulting in indigestion and intestinal colic.
- Try to refuse from fast food to include in your diet more foods rich in fiber, for example vegetables and fruits.

Pimples in this area generally call us to pay attention to the reproductive system. Another cause of rashes can be a hormonal imbalance and a certain phase of the menstrual cycle in women.
- If a pimple is popped once, then fear not — simply dry it with a lotion or zinc ointment. But the constant rash on the chin indicate the need to visit a doctor.
According to the materials of Modern Salon, Bellatory, YouBeauty
See also
15 habits that harm your appearance
8 great habits for which your skin will thank you
7 secrets to flawless skin Asian beauties
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/7-sekretov-bezuprechnoj-kozhi-aziatskih-krasavic-1395865/
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