I contracted to do the street lighting. With the guys digging holes under the posts and suddenly notice a strange

Eighty seven million seven hundred eighty five thousand three hundred sixty eight

I worked with friends as a young construction. And one day the foreman gave us an assignment to dig holes for lighting poles. Well, I suppose, dug up the ground carefully put into bags, then to take them on the truck.

And so one morning we sat with the men in the van, and then it flew Brigadier:

— Guys, we have a thief wound up!

— That? What is a thief? What was stolen?

— Land!

— As the earth?!

— Yes, that's right! Bags with the excavated soil steal, and then the empty bags in the place of return.

— And what a lot has already been stolen?

— So, a bag a day consistently lost. Probably grannies rod for their flowers... Oh, I came up with the idea! said the Brigadier, and just as quickly ran away.

He returned to us with sheets of paper on which was written: "Citizens! The earth can take! Bags may not return! We are still the land will have to be thrown away. Sincerely, the builders". Gave us an assignment to cover the most prominent places. After a couple of days a single sack of earth was left, and the team will save on trash pickup.

via factroom.ru


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