10 films for women that will inspire a dream come true
Twenty nine million one hundred eighty four thousand six hundred three
Site prepared for you a selection of films that tell true stories of the women, even a little, but changed the world for the better.
Iris Iris, 2001
Forty four million three hundred eighteen thousand four hundred ninety eight
Into the role: Kate Winslet, Judi Dench
Iris Murdoch is one of the most talented writers of the XX century, was awarded the Booker prize, and is equally beloved by readers and critics.
The film is based on the memoirs of her husband, iris — John Bayley — and begins at the moment of their acquaintance. The story of the writer, so easily and naturally playing with words, whose old age was darkened by Alzheimer's disease, which robbed iris of what she dedicated her life — the opportunity to create.
The courageous heart of Irena Sendler The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler, 2009
Forty one million two hundred forty two thousand eight hundred ninety four
Into the role: Anna Paquin, Goran Visnic
During the Second world war an employee of one of the underground organizations Irena Sendler got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto. Using this, she and her companions managed to rescue from the ghetto 2 500 children, which gave to the families, convents and orphanages.
The life story of one of the most courageous women of the twentieth century, whose name should never be forgotten.
Serafina from Senlis Séraphine, 2008
Ninety five million eleven thousand one hundred forty eight
Into the role: Yolande Moreau, Ulrich Tukur
The famous collector and the first buyer of Picasso Wilhelm the Hund stops in the small town of Senlis and hires as servant a freak local, 48-year-old Seraphina Louis, which chuckles the entire city.
Once Wilheim notice in one of the houses a small picture and learns that it was written by Serafina. So begins the path to glory is one of the most famous representatives of "naive" art of the XX century.
Iris Iris, 2014
Seventy six million thirty three thousand five hundred ninety seven
Into the role: Iris Apfel, Carl Apfel
Iris Apfel is one of those who are called style icons. She was born in 1921 and all his life engaged in fashion over his long career, iris managed to create outfits for the 9 wives of American presidents. Today iris calls herself a teenager and is an advertising face of famous cosmetics company.
A documentary about iris — a true ode to the taste, style, love of life and ability to enjoy each moment.
Florence Foster Jenkins Florence Foster Jenkins, 2016
Forty five million two hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred two
Into the role: Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, Simon Helberg
Rich aristocrat Florence foster Jenkins considers himself to be an outstanding Opera singer, but her voice, to put it mildly, far from ideal. The audience laughed at her, and the musicians with whom she works, covering her ears with his hands.
However, she not only sings, but also protects talented musicians in new York, so no one dares to tell her the truth about her vocal abilities.
Queen of Katwa Queen of Katwe, 2016
Twenty million five hundred fifty six thousand two hundred ninety five
Into the role: Madina Nalwanga, Lupita Nyong'o
Fiona, a girl living in a Ugandan slum, comes in chess club, organized by employee charitable mission. Their first game she played for plates of porridge, however, it turns out that Fiona's got real talent.
Within a year, she easily beat his mentor and begins his journey to fame as one of the strongest players in the world.
Hidden figures Hidden Figures, 2017
Seven million five hundred seventy two thousand six hundred forty one
Into the role: Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monet
USA, 1960-ies. Three talented women-math — Katherine, Dorothy and Mary work for NASA, participating in development programs related to manned space flight.
Despite their talent, her friends it is very difficult to make a career because of the color of the skin, because the fight for equality of people of different races is only beginning, and women in science practically does not exist.
Saving Mr. banks Saving Mr. Banks, 2014
Eighty eight million six hundred fifty two thousand two hundred seventy five
Into the role: Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Colin Farrell
In the early 40-ies of the last century, Walt Disney promised his daughters to make a film on books about Mary Poppins. It seems that nothing prevents to begin shooting, but only Pamela Travers, the author of books about the famous nanny, totally against the movies.
The story of how Disney tries to persuade the recalcitrant miss Travers, is interspersed with a story about her childhood and relationship with his father, which became the prototype of Mr. banks from the books about Mary Poppins.
Big eyes Big Eyes, 2015
Eighteen million one hundred eighty one thousand fifty eight
Into the role: Amy Adams, Christoph Waltz
USA, early 60-ies of XX century. Paintings of Walter Keane, depicting children with huge eyes, popular all over the world. Their reproductions can be seen on every corner, and Walter's income is constantly growing.
In 1970, his ex-wife Margaret Keane says that the paintings actually wrote it, but because of the prejudice against "feminine" art was forced to sell them under the name of her husband.
Unforgettable moments Maria Larssons eviga ögonblick, 2008
Eleven million five hundred sixty two thousand fifty seven
Into the role Maria Heiskanen, Mikael Persbrandt
In 1907 a normal Swedish girl Maria gets married to the same ordinary Swedish guy, Siegfried. Is born in the family of 7 children, and Marie decides to sell the camera, which won a few years ago in a raffle. Suddenly, however, she displayed talent as a photographer, and she starts to shoot all around, what is very dissatisfied with her returned from war husband.
Although the name of Maria Larsson not found in the list of famous photographers, her story is not invented. The screenplay was written after in the attic of the house her daughter had found a photo album with huge number of pictures.
See also
18 series, based on real events
10 little-known psychological films that will turn all your thoughts
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/10-maloizvestnyh-psihologicheskih-filmov-kotorye-perevernut-vse-vashi-mysli-1450165/
Site prepared for you a selection of films that tell true stories of the women, even a little, but changed the world for the better.
Iris Iris, 2001
Forty four million three hundred eighteen thousand four hundred ninety eight
Into the role: Kate Winslet, Judi Dench
Iris Murdoch is one of the most talented writers of the XX century, was awarded the Booker prize, and is equally beloved by readers and critics.
The film is based on the memoirs of her husband, iris — John Bayley — and begins at the moment of their acquaintance. The story of the writer, so easily and naturally playing with words, whose old age was darkened by Alzheimer's disease, which robbed iris of what she dedicated her life — the opportunity to create.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.1.
The courageous heart of Irena Sendler The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler, 2009
Forty one million two hundred forty two thousand eight hundred ninety four
Into the role: Anna Paquin, Goran Visnic
During the Second world war an employee of one of the underground organizations Irena Sendler got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto. Using this, she and her companions managed to rescue from the ghetto 2 500 children, which gave to the families, convents and orphanages.
The life story of one of the most courageous women of the twentieth century, whose name should never be forgotten.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.3
Serafina from Senlis Séraphine, 2008
Ninety five million eleven thousand one hundred forty eight
Into the role: Yolande Moreau, Ulrich Tukur
The famous collector and the first buyer of Picasso Wilhelm the Hund stops in the small town of Senlis and hires as servant a freak local, 48-year-old Seraphina Louis, which chuckles the entire city.
Once Wilheim notice in one of the houses a small picture and learns that it was written by Serafina. So begins the path to glory is one of the most famous representatives of "naive" art of the XX century.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.4
Iris Iris, 2014
Seventy six million thirty three thousand five hundred ninety seven
Into the role: Iris Apfel, Carl Apfel
Iris Apfel is one of those who are called style icons. She was born in 1921 and all his life engaged in fashion over his long career, iris managed to create outfits for the 9 wives of American presidents. Today iris calls herself a teenager and is an advertising face of famous cosmetics company.
A documentary about iris — a true ode to the taste, style, love of life and ability to enjoy each moment.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.1.
Florence Foster Jenkins Florence Foster Jenkins, 2016
Forty five million two hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred two
Into the role: Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, Simon Helberg
Rich aristocrat Florence foster Jenkins considers himself to be an outstanding Opera singer, but her voice, to put it mildly, far from ideal. The audience laughed at her, and the musicians with whom she works, covering her ears with his hands.
However, she not only sings, but also protects talented musicians in new York, so no one dares to tell her the truth about her vocal abilities.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.1.
Queen of Katwa Queen of Katwe, 2016
Twenty million five hundred fifty six thousand two hundred ninety five
Into the role: Madina Nalwanga, Lupita Nyong'o
Fiona, a girl living in a Ugandan slum, comes in chess club, organized by employee charitable mission. Their first game she played for plates of porridge, however, it turns out that Fiona's got real talent.
Within a year, she easily beat his mentor and begins his journey to fame as one of the strongest players in the world.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.3
Hidden figures Hidden Figures, 2017
Seven million five hundred seventy two thousand six hundred forty one
Into the role: Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monet
USA, 1960-ies. Three talented women-math — Katherine, Dorothy and Mary work for NASA, participating in development programs related to manned space flight.
Despite their talent, her friends it is very difficult to make a career because of the color of the skin, because the fight for equality of people of different races is only beginning, and women in science practically does not exist.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.9
Saving Mr. banks Saving Mr. Banks, 2014
Eighty eight million six hundred fifty two thousand two hundred seventy five
Into the role: Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Colin Farrell
In the early 40-ies of the last century, Walt Disney promised his daughters to make a film on books about Mary Poppins. It seems that nothing prevents to begin shooting, but only Pamela Travers, the author of books about the famous nanny, totally against the movies.
The story of how Disney tries to persuade the recalcitrant miss Travers, is interspersed with a story about her childhood and relationship with his father, which became the prototype of Mr. banks from the books about Mary Poppins.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.5
Big eyes Big Eyes, 2015
Eighteen million one hundred eighty one thousand fifty eight
Into the role: Amy Adams, Christoph Waltz
USA, early 60-ies of XX century. Paintings of Walter Keane, depicting children with huge eyes, popular all over the world. Their reproductions can be seen on every corner, and Walter's income is constantly growing.
In 1970, his ex-wife Margaret Keane says that the paintings actually wrote it, but because of the prejudice against "feminine" art was forced to sell them under the name of her husband.
- The IMDb Rating Of 7.0
Unforgettable moments Maria Larssons eviga ögonblick, 2008
Eleven million five hundred sixty two thousand fifty seven
Into the role Maria Heiskanen, Mikael Persbrandt
In 1907 a normal Swedish girl Maria gets married to the same ordinary Swedish guy, Siegfried. Is born in the family of 7 children, and Marie decides to sell the camera, which won a few years ago in a raffle. Suddenly, however, she displayed talent as a photographer, and she starts to shoot all around, what is very dissatisfied with her returned from war husband.
Although the name of Maria Larsson not found in the list of famous photographers, her story is not invented. The screenplay was written after in the attic of the house her daughter had found a photo album with huge number of pictures.
- The IMDb Rating Is 7.5
See also
18 series, based on real events
10 little-known psychological films that will turn all your thoughts
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/10-maloizvestnyh-psihologicheskih-filmov-kotorye-perevernut-vse-vashi-mysli-1450165/
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