8 charming people with unique skin color

We at the Site believe that every person has its own peculiarity that makes it unique. The people about whom speech will go more low, has attracted global attention for its unusual skin color. They are absolutely not embarrassed own uniqueness and became a sensation.
Connie Chiu (Chiu Connie)
Connie Chiu was born in Hong Kong, and being the fourth child in a Chinese family, she was the only one who was born with albinism. Then Connie and her family moved to Sweden, where she grew up studying Humanities and journalism. At 24, she began a career as a model and today is also a jazz singer — she is often invited to speak at major events and jazz clubs.
Nikia Phoenix (Nikia Phoenix)
American model Nikia Phoenix stands out from the masses of people: dark skin, natural hair, freckles covering the entire body. The unusual appearance of the girl noticed one of the members of the company Alternative Apparel produces branded clothing, at a time when she went to have a Cup of coffee in a small cafe. Model has become the main face of advertising campaigns of Coca-Cola and Target.
Stephen Thompson (Stephen Thompson)
American Stephen Thompson never dreamed of becoming a model. But one day fate brought him to a photographer who was struck by the unusual appearance of Stephen. The photographer took a few pictures and printed them in the magazine — and so began the success story of Thompson. His pictures do not go from the pages of fashion magazines, he is popular in advertising campaigns for leading brands. In 2011, the handsome albino became the face of fashion house Givenchy.
Winnie Harlow (Winnie Harlow)
Unusual appearance Winnie (the girl vitiligo) caught the attention of tyra banks, who saw her instagram account and invited to take part in the 21st season of the show "Top model American", where she took 5th place.
Now Winnie Harlow is the face of casual clothing brand Desigual in Barcelona, along with Brazilian model Adriana Lima.
Ava Clark Ava (Clarke)
Ava Clark is an African — American albino. Blonde hair, green-blue eyes and pink lips girls conquered the world of fashion: a photo of this miracle has managed to grace the pages of fashion magazines such as Vogue, Denim and VIP. According to all forecasts of doctors, the girl was blind. But thanks to the efforts of parents of Ava reads, is a ballet dancer and managed to attract the attention of top photographers.
Hoodia Diop (Khoudia Diop)
Hoodia Diop — 19-year-old Senegala, which is noticed and offered to do some modeling. Now she's conquered the Internet with his amazing photos that brought her more than 235 thousand followers on instagram. Hoodia also inspires people to embrace their individuality: "If you are lucky enough to be different never change!"
Anastasia Zhidkova
Nastya Zhidkova, which is called the most beautiful girl albino in the world, was born in Russia in 1996. A young and unusual model changing the face of fashion and the beauty industry in Russia. Nastya is also a talented singer, who often shares his work on YouTube.
Coil Lola (Lola Chuil)
The life of a schoolgirl is watched as much as 462 thousand users of instagram (and in fact in her profile, only 39 photos!). Lola lives in Los Angeles, studying in high school and speaks 8 languages. She has a very unusual beauty: jet black skin color, the elegant shape of the lips, nose and eyes, which sometimes seem to be drawn. Followers of Lola liken it to a young Naomi Campbell and she prophesied a successful career of top model.
Photo preview Stephen Thompson, Lolachuil
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