I love myself: Exercise to improve self-esteem
I'd like to hope that most of us know that worthy individual's self-esteem depends on how much he himself believes, how much sincere, honest and gently and carefully he refers to himself, to his desires, feelings, thoughts and whether or not he truly loves and appreciates.
The theme of self-love very private and not voiced in a broad mass community, because the costs obtained by our "Soviet" education means love of one's neighbor, to others, to their work, to the leadership, but not to itself, only...
To love, to cherish yourself is not accepted in our society. Very often this phenomenon is even negative, when at the sight of such a harmonious person, people with low self-esteem, experiencing spiritual discomfort and start backbiting and gossiping behind his back.
All of this involves quickly pushing the person to the fact that you need to leave all your "selfish needs" and to go with all pace, to build a "bright future" no matter what...
It's a great idea to build a brighter future, without a doubt, should be carried out, butin the beginning one must learn to love and respect himself, to bring invaluable the world, be popular in their talents and to gain recognition in society.
In other words — first you need to create a decent self-esteem. And how it is formed?
It's very simple. Decent, "proper" self-esteem begins with a Declaration of love to himself with respect for their virtues, talents. With the disclosure of his creative abilities and of gratitude for all these gifts of birth belong to us by right.
Look around you and see how many people don't have what I have and how should we be thankful for such a gift.
The Creator has given us tools in the form of the hands and feet that can function, depending on our purposes, of the head with a priceless gift — a brain that finds the best options for decision-making of our vital tasks. All around us are loving and loved people always ready to come to our aid.
So don't we deserve the very best, to love ourselves and feel happy every day?
It is believed that day by day in our brain form new neural connections that affect our subconscious and change it. Thoughts steadily fixed in our minds can change our reality and gradually day by day.
Unfortunately, by itself nothing happens, but there is one unique method is a daily exhausting work aims to we came, settled and secure feelings of love and respect for yourself, which in the end will lead us to a great result, formed our deserved self-esteem.
To build a worthy self-image every day for forty days, one minute, each day increasing the time by one minute, to concentrate their thoughts on their achievements, successes, positive feedback, recognition for their talents and abilities to change their lives for the better.
To improve the effectiveness of these exercises I always recommend during class to drink clean water, because our body is water 85%, and the water is your energy source and repository of information.
After about a month and a half with regular job people a completely new way to experience yourself and treat yourself gently, with dignity, love and respect. This is certainly a positive impact on the quality of life and give a great opportunity to meet with yourself.
Author: Alexander Korolev, especially for
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: Alexander Korolev
The theme of self-love very private and not voiced in a broad mass community, because the costs obtained by our "Soviet" education means love of one's neighbor, to others, to their work, to the leadership, but not to itself, only...

To love, to cherish yourself is not accepted in our society. Very often this phenomenon is even negative, when at the sight of such a harmonious person, people with low self-esteem, experiencing spiritual discomfort and start backbiting and gossiping behind his back.
All of this involves quickly pushing the person to the fact that you need to leave all your "selfish needs" and to go with all pace, to build a "bright future" no matter what...
It's a great idea to build a brighter future, without a doubt, should be carried out, butin the beginning one must learn to love and respect himself, to bring invaluable the world, be popular in their talents and to gain recognition in society.
In other words — first you need to create a decent self-esteem. And how it is formed?
It's very simple. Decent, "proper" self-esteem begins with a Declaration of love to himself with respect for their virtues, talents. With the disclosure of his creative abilities and of gratitude for all these gifts of birth belong to us by right.
Look around you and see how many people don't have what I have and how should we be thankful for such a gift.
The Creator has given us tools in the form of the hands and feet that can function, depending on our purposes, of the head with a priceless gift — a brain that finds the best options for decision-making of our vital tasks. All around us are loving and loved people always ready to come to our aid.
So don't we deserve the very best, to love ourselves and feel happy every day?
It is believed that day by day in our brain form new neural connections that affect our subconscious and change it. Thoughts steadily fixed in our minds can change our reality and gradually day by day.
Unfortunately, by itself nothing happens, but there is one unique method is a daily exhausting work aims to we came, settled and secure feelings of love and respect for yourself, which in the end will lead us to a great result, formed our deserved self-esteem.

To build a worthy self-image every day for forty days, one minute, each day increasing the time by one minute, to concentrate their thoughts on their achievements, successes, positive feedback, recognition for their talents and abilities to change their lives for the better.
To improve the effectiveness of these exercises I always recommend during class to drink clean water, because our body is water 85%, and the water is your energy source and repository of information.
After about a month and a half with regular job people a completely new way to experience yourself and treat yourself gently, with dignity, love and respect. This is certainly a positive impact on the quality of life and give a great opportunity to meet with yourself.
Author: Alexander Korolev, especially for
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: Alexander Korolev