Discussion and condemnation is all empty...
When you don't know where to start, start with yourself...
"You know," he said mysteriously, sometimes a puddle on the dirt road can become a portal, a transition to a new level. Want his recent "experiences" to share, you love all kinds of history.
— Come on! happily I said — Puddle. Portal. New level... Amazing plot twist. And "any such" I exactly like.
— Remember I told you something about an old gentleman who lived all his life in Europe, asked permission, then Yeltsin, to return to his family estate in a small district center, we have nearby?
Of course I do. I'm even on the Internet, then I looked — a noble man, about him to write a book, but the movie... the Story of a whole century, as in a mirror — in his biography and family life.
— That's it! It turned out that, despite its "deep-eighty", it is quite a even of sound mind and memory. Yes, at this sound, that one day, inviting him to their gatherings-talk to the entrepreneurs Club, all our instantly fell under his charm, erudition, and wisdom. It is a storehouse! All of this is appreciated.
What he said then? quickly I asked.
— I'll detail I can not tell, I missed the first meeting with him. But reviews, speeches, summaries, impressions of communication with this "mighty man" — all it in full from his teammates received. And so they told me demotiviruet their stories that I wanted without waiting for the next club meeting to go to visit him and to meet in person.
Well, that decided and went. Called, of course, in advance, so as not to descend unexpectedly. It a hundred kilometers or maybe more from the city. Already at the entrance to his village, when wound on the back, sort of lost my way... Decided the way to clarify — Yes, not one. The day is hot, the all or sitting at home, or in the fields-the gardens work. On the street of a village not a soul.
Look — kiosk newspaper stands. I — to it. Can see from afar. I was encouraging. Approaching him, I saw right in front of him — a big puddle. Seen yesterday's rain the area that also got hit hard, too much time has passed, and the puddle is still not dry. Deep, means.
— Of course profound, — himself realized I -- and there's probably a hole trampled. Because the puddle is right under the window of the kiosk is formed.
And then, in my head thought: "Well, now... how do people live?! Because every day here I go: to the kiosk come, see a puddle. Well, by the same is not convenient. Really hard a couple of wheelbarrows of gravel or sand to supanut, align trodden the hole. You see, the puddle would not began to gather, and at the kiosk stand comfortable."
— Eeeh! It's our indifference, approaching the kiosk, mentally brought his conclusion I is All around collective, all around nobody. To anybody which is not the case.
Crouched in front of the window of the kiosk, so to see it and feet do not get wet, said the road. Along the way, said the stand owner, a cheerful and very talkative old man at a puddle in front of his nose. Well, they say, a puddle of something like that. Well, I can't do anything with it. Grandfather had broken: and about the chair, about the district authorities and the villagers gave me everything! And that they are slackers, and that indifferent and that to anybody which is not the case.
Go back to the car, you see that once, a hundred years ago, began to pour a trail from the asphalt road to the kiosk and left. Five meters is not reached. Again I thought: "well, our carelessness, mismanagement... for Themselves can not people something worthwhile to do. For themselves are unable to restore order. And the authorities do nothing: the hands do not reach, it means no. Eeeh!"
Got in the car, going to a "mighty man". On the side toward me there is an old man with a cart full of rubble. The thought flashed: "So somewhere there is a puddle than to fall asleep". Just ran it here and there, right at the road. "Excellent! "I think," I Stop now, will download in the trunk a couple of buckets and put outside the kiosk". But then I decided to do all this on the way back, and it was already late for an appointment.
Drove up to the house. The hostess greeted me warmly. Just behind the table on the porch called, apologizing that husband late.
— To the kiosk... went There after a rain puddle. The next morning he much feet soaked when the papers went. And then, someone on the street, the rubble brought. With the neighbor now agreed, the truck loaded and rolling, with a soft southern drawl reported the situation she is.
Then I realized that the old man with a wheelbarrow, who I met on the road, and was the "mighty elder" to meet that I was in a hurry. Was going to go help, and he's at the gate is with an empty truck. Smiles.
Met. Word for word... the conversation went. I have not seen such a lucid, wise and considerate of the interlocutor. In short, charmed my grandfather, like my colleagues, "at first sight".
And not grandfather, it seemed, at all: neat, not dressed-style — trousers, Polo shirt, loafers on his bare feet — as if in the Russian province and we are sitting in the yard of his European home. Kept very well, sporty. Eyes on fire! That's the main thing that I immediately noted.
Talked to him about many things, including the difference in mentality, and love of order, and that in any case with yourself, it is important to start...
— And that's how it happens, I'm here to this algorithm start to get used to — with a smile he said, — first of all, all the others will discuss, condemn, and secondly — to discuss the government comes (of course, who else to blame!), and before the third step, to look back at ourselves and do something — I don't get. It is amazing to me...
We paused...
But "getting used to" I just about what I often hear said, not about the fact that I'm starting to learn to do, he laughed, I don't roll with these rail: I the third step start... Then the first two instantly themselves disappear. Why talk about blank, about what you can't change. Why discuss when you can just go and do. Well, if you care. If it is important to you.
We continued chatting and drinking tea with strawberry jam on its inviting veranda. And I mentally went back to the kiosk, to the same puddle... thinking... Algorithm My algorithm thinking... for sure: first denounced the other ("how they live" and "no one cares"), then feed the old man Stallman condemned "those responsible" ("where the President watches", "stolen everything"...) and only a third thought – and how can I participate. And there was the solution! And even the pile of rubble itself drew!
Could not resist and told the man.
— Congratulations, my friend! – threw up his hands and he his eyes, smiled, You reached the third step, has not stopped the first two. You see, as soon as it came, so those two become a waste of time, empty blah-blah-blah... No good — just wastes energy. Until you reach — you will flounder in the void...
We talked until twilight. Goodbye caring owner was persuaded me to take a jar of strawberry jam, but I'm not really refused, to be honest. Saw standing at the gate of the car, and remembered about the pool:
— Maybe there is more to pour necessary?
— Yes, I can manage, ' said the smiling old man, — one or two trips and almost asphalt Playground will be at our stand.
— Let me, I'm still going.
— Well, let's go!
Together we have reached the pile of rubble. Talked a little bit about life with a neighbor, who gave permission for two cars "in favor of the farm." While the elders were talking, leaning on shovels, a couple of times to stall this car drove and, in fact, — it was a great Playground no rain now is not terrible.
Said goodbye as a family.
—Always start with yourself, my friend! Discussion and condemnation — it's empty. What's the use to waste Life on empty? Go for it! Only action leads to results.
The mighty man. published
Author: Irina Ryzhkova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: irinaryzhkova.livejournal.com/2141.html
"You know," he said mysteriously, sometimes a puddle on the dirt road can become a portal, a transition to a new level. Want his recent "experiences" to share, you love all kinds of history.
— Come on! happily I said — Puddle. Portal. New level... Amazing plot twist. And "any such" I exactly like.

— Remember I told you something about an old gentleman who lived all his life in Europe, asked permission, then Yeltsin, to return to his family estate in a small district center, we have nearby?
Of course I do. I'm even on the Internet, then I looked — a noble man, about him to write a book, but the movie... the Story of a whole century, as in a mirror — in his biography and family life.
— That's it! It turned out that, despite its "deep-eighty", it is quite a even of sound mind and memory. Yes, at this sound, that one day, inviting him to their gatherings-talk to the entrepreneurs Club, all our instantly fell under his charm, erudition, and wisdom. It is a storehouse! All of this is appreciated.
What he said then? quickly I asked.
— I'll detail I can not tell, I missed the first meeting with him. But reviews, speeches, summaries, impressions of communication with this "mighty man" — all it in full from his teammates received. And so they told me demotiviruet their stories that I wanted without waiting for the next club meeting to go to visit him and to meet in person.
Well, that decided and went. Called, of course, in advance, so as not to descend unexpectedly. It a hundred kilometers or maybe more from the city. Already at the entrance to his village, when wound on the back, sort of lost my way... Decided the way to clarify — Yes, not one. The day is hot, the all or sitting at home, or in the fields-the gardens work. On the street of a village not a soul.
Look — kiosk newspaper stands. I — to it. Can see from afar. I was encouraging. Approaching him, I saw right in front of him — a big puddle. Seen yesterday's rain the area that also got hit hard, too much time has passed, and the puddle is still not dry. Deep, means.
— Of course profound, — himself realized I -- and there's probably a hole trampled. Because the puddle is right under the window of the kiosk is formed.
And then, in my head thought: "Well, now... how do people live?! Because every day here I go: to the kiosk come, see a puddle. Well, by the same is not convenient. Really hard a couple of wheelbarrows of gravel or sand to supanut, align trodden the hole. You see, the puddle would not began to gather, and at the kiosk stand comfortable."
— Eeeh! It's our indifference, approaching the kiosk, mentally brought his conclusion I is All around collective, all around nobody. To anybody which is not the case.
Crouched in front of the window of the kiosk, so to see it and feet do not get wet, said the road. Along the way, said the stand owner, a cheerful and very talkative old man at a puddle in front of his nose. Well, they say, a puddle of something like that. Well, I can't do anything with it. Grandfather had broken: and about the chair, about the district authorities and the villagers gave me everything! And that they are slackers, and that indifferent and that to anybody which is not the case.
Go back to the car, you see that once, a hundred years ago, began to pour a trail from the asphalt road to the kiosk and left. Five meters is not reached. Again I thought: "well, our carelessness, mismanagement... for Themselves can not people something worthwhile to do. For themselves are unable to restore order. And the authorities do nothing: the hands do not reach, it means no. Eeeh!"

Got in the car, going to a "mighty man". On the side toward me there is an old man with a cart full of rubble. The thought flashed: "So somewhere there is a puddle than to fall asleep". Just ran it here and there, right at the road. "Excellent! "I think," I Stop now, will download in the trunk a couple of buckets and put outside the kiosk". But then I decided to do all this on the way back, and it was already late for an appointment.
Drove up to the house. The hostess greeted me warmly. Just behind the table on the porch called, apologizing that husband late.
— To the kiosk... went There after a rain puddle. The next morning he much feet soaked when the papers went. And then, someone on the street, the rubble brought. With the neighbor now agreed, the truck loaded and rolling, with a soft southern drawl reported the situation she is.
Then I realized that the old man with a wheelbarrow, who I met on the road, and was the "mighty elder" to meet that I was in a hurry. Was going to go help, and he's at the gate is with an empty truck. Smiles.
Met. Word for word... the conversation went. I have not seen such a lucid, wise and considerate of the interlocutor. In short, charmed my grandfather, like my colleagues, "at first sight".
And not grandfather, it seemed, at all: neat, not dressed-style — trousers, Polo shirt, loafers on his bare feet — as if in the Russian province and we are sitting in the yard of his European home. Kept very well, sporty. Eyes on fire! That's the main thing that I immediately noted.
Talked to him about many things, including the difference in mentality, and love of order, and that in any case with yourself, it is important to start...
— And that's how it happens, I'm here to this algorithm start to get used to — with a smile he said, — first of all, all the others will discuss, condemn, and secondly — to discuss the government comes (of course, who else to blame!), and before the third step, to look back at ourselves and do something — I don't get. It is amazing to me...
We paused...
But "getting used to" I just about what I often hear said, not about the fact that I'm starting to learn to do, he laughed, I don't roll with these rail: I the third step start... Then the first two instantly themselves disappear. Why talk about blank, about what you can't change. Why discuss when you can just go and do. Well, if you care. If it is important to you.
We continued chatting and drinking tea with strawberry jam on its inviting veranda. And I mentally went back to the kiosk, to the same puddle... thinking... Algorithm My algorithm thinking... for sure: first denounced the other ("how they live" and "no one cares"), then feed the old man Stallman condemned "those responsible" ("where the President watches", "stolen everything"...) and only a third thought – and how can I participate. And there was the solution! And even the pile of rubble itself drew!
Could not resist and told the man.
— Congratulations, my friend! – threw up his hands and he his eyes, smiled, You reached the third step, has not stopped the first two. You see, as soon as it came, so those two become a waste of time, empty blah-blah-blah... No good — just wastes energy. Until you reach — you will flounder in the void...
We talked until twilight. Goodbye caring owner was persuaded me to take a jar of strawberry jam, but I'm not really refused, to be honest. Saw standing at the gate of the car, and remembered about the pool:
— Maybe there is more to pour necessary?
— Yes, I can manage, ' said the smiling old man, — one or two trips and almost asphalt Playground will be at our stand.
— Let me, I'm still going.
— Well, let's go!
Together we have reached the pile of rubble. Talked a little bit about life with a neighbor, who gave permission for two cars "in favor of the farm." While the elders were talking, leaning on shovels, a couple of times to stall this car drove and, in fact, — it was a great Playground no rain now is not terrible.
Said goodbye as a family.
—Always start with yourself, my friend! Discussion and condemnation — it's empty. What's the use to waste Life on empty? Go for it! Only action leads to results.
The mighty man. published
Author: Irina Ryzhkova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: irinaryzhkova.livejournal.com/2141.html