That's why it's important to know your blood type, even if you're not going to take it

It is obvious that blood group you need to know in case of emergency, if you suddenly need a blood transfusion. But there is a theory about the influence of blood "code" on the nature and behavior of each individual. Under this system, each group has its own letter designation and the type indicates the origin.
The website has collected the most common views on how blood type affects our lives.

Features of temperament and character:
- emotional (but the level of adrenaline is higher than the other, and they need more time to calm down after stressful situations);
- strong;
- purposeful;
- most often, the extroverts and leaders;
- optimists enthusiasts.
- this files most often possess a strong physique, but women are inclined to corpulence of the abdomen and thighs;
- a strong immune system;
- have a good appetite.
- require more proteins contained in meat and fish;
- of vegetables and fruits recommended are broccoli, cabbage, parsley, pumpkin, garlic, spinach, figs, prunes;
- is not desirable to use kefir, milk, cottage cheese, pistachios, beans, avocado, dishes of eggplant and potatoes, oranges, strawberries, corn.
- aerobics;
- swimming;
- strength training exercises;
- dancing;
- bodybuilding.

Features of temperament and character:
- introverts who nevertheless work well with people because of the peacefulness and the ability to listen;
- creative and sensitive nature;
- hardy;
- prone to stress and often contain emotions that threatened sudden breakdowns.
- women are prone to feminine soft fullness;
- often the combination of opposites in appearance (e.g., broad hips and shoulders with thin ankles and wrists and long arms and legs, or the roundness and volume of body parts, but delicate features);
- high level of cortisol production sometimes leads to a weak appetite. You need to eat more often, up to 6 times a day.
- preference is given to vegetables;
- from meat products — chicken or Turkey;
- it is not recommended to eat meat, seafood, dairy products, eggplant, olives, tomatoes, oranges, bananas, coconuts, tangerines, beans.
- yoga;
- martial arts;
- run;
- swimming;
- dancing.

Features of temperament and character:
- sociable;
- strong and purposeful;
- energetic and creative;
- prone to mood swings.
- not full-bodied (if only you spend enough energy and do not lead a sedentary life);
- this files most often have slim build and above-average growth;
- less need for food and sleep due to high levels of cortisol;
- powerful immune system.
- the Foundation of milk and dairy products;
- from meat products to prefer lamb and rabbit;
- vegetables and fruits will fit eggplant, cabbage, peppers, beans, carrots, parsley, beets, pineapples, bananas, grapes, cranberry, plum;
- it is undesirable to use corn, buckwheat, chicken, pork, avocado, olives, tomatoes, pumpkins, pomegranates, coconuts, persimmons.
- Cycling;
- tennis;
- climbing;
- Hiking.

Features of temperament and character:
- responsible and reliable;
- good organizers;
- have imaginative thinking;
- know how to empathize with others and care for them.
- physically resilient;
- less of all other full-bodied;
- low production of follicle stimulating hormone in women can lead to problems with conception.
- Foundation — lean meat and seafood;
- vegetables and fruits are recommended eggplant, broccoli, cucumbers, parsley, beets, celery, garlic, pineapples, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, cranberry, lemon, plum;
- it is undesirable to use pasta, bread, chicken, buckwheat, peppers, oranges, bananas, pomegranates, mango, persimmon.
- yoga;
- swimming;
- Hiking.
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
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