Cup of turpenia
A wise parable of the cup of patience.Hing Shih
One day a student asked his teacher to explain what patience is.
The teacher took an empty bowl and placed the student on his lap, and then gave him a jug filled with water, asked him to close his eyes and gradually fill the bowl.
When the disciple began to fill the cup, the Master said:
- Testing the patience of another person, you blindly fill another person’s cup, standing on your lap. So you don't know when it's going to overflow, and you risk dousing yourself.
Continuing to fill the cup slowly, the student asked:
Therefore, a virtuous person should not overflow the cup of patience.
Not only," replied the Master, "is that you protect your own knees, there is no special virtue.
- So what is he supposed to do?
- A virtuous person should also make sure that his cup on someone else’s lap is never too full! The teacher replied, published
A parable by Julia Dubinkina-Ilyina
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: pritchi.ru/id_1617
One day a student asked his teacher to explain what patience is.
The teacher took an empty bowl and placed the student on his lap, and then gave him a jug filled with water, asked him to close his eyes and gradually fill the bowl.
When the disciple began to fill the cup, the Master said:
- Testing the patience of another person, you blindly fill another person’s cup, standing on your lap. So you don't know when it's going to overflow, and you risk dousing yourself.
Continuing to fill the cup slowly, the student asked:
Therefore, a virtuous person should not overflow the cup of patience.
Not only," replied the Master, "is that you protect your own knees, there is no special virtue.
- So what is he supposed to do?
- A virtuous person should also make sure that his cup on someone else’s lap is never too full! The teacher replied, published
A parable by Julia Dubinkina-Ilyina
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: pritchi.ru/id_1617