That's good! (Eastern parable)
One African king was a close friend, with whom he grew up. This one, regarding any situation that ever happened in his life, be it positive or negative, was wont to say: "This is good!»
One day the king was hunting. A friend happened to be compiled and loaded the guns for the king. Obviously, he did something wrong, preparing one of the guns. When the king took his friend's gun and fired it, he tore off his thumb. Investigating the situation, one normally spoke: "It's good!" To this the king replied, "No, this is not good!" - And ordered to send his friend to jail.
It took about a year, the king was hunting in an area where he could, in his opinion, to be completely fearless. But Cannibals captured him and led to his village along with all the others. They tied his hands, dragged a pile of firewood, set the pole and tied the king to the post. As they came closer, to make a fire, they noticed that the king lacks the thumb on the hand. Because of their superstition they never ate the one who had the handicap in the body. Untying the king, they let him go.
Returning home, he remembered the case when he lost his thumb and felt remorse for his treatment of the other. He immediately went to the jail to speak with him.
- You were right - he said - it was good that I was left without a finger.
And he told all that had just happened to him.
- I am very sorry that I put you in jail, it was my bad side.
- No, - said a friend of his - it's good!
- What are you saying? Is it good that I put her boyfriend for a year in jail?
- If I had not been in prison, he would be there with you.
- A sick child! (Modern Parables)
A professional golfer left the club after winning the tournament seriously. In the parking lot, he met with the sick woman, who told him that her child is sick and in the hospital. She had no money, and she asked for a golfer to give her some of the money he won to help a child suffering from a serious illness. Athlete Istria deeply touched, and he gave her all the winnings to pay for the operation and save the child.
A day or two later the golfer back to your club and share this story with some people at the club. Some said, "Oh, no! You've been cheated! This woman did not have time to do so. We are so sorry that you had to become the next victim. It was a ploy to get hold of your money.
Golfer asked: "So there is no sick child? & Quot;
They said: "Of course not!»
Then the golfer said: "This is the good news for the whole week!»
- Honoring father! (Christian parable)
At one of the African tribe of savages there is a cruel custom: the elderly, incapable of decrepitude go to hunt and fend for themselves, they are transported somewhere in the thicket of the forest or ravine and there left to their fate by giving them to die, or from hunger or from predators . A person becomes weak, useless. Therefore feed "extra mouth" is not worth it.
Once Sambo, young, healthy Negro took his old father that old age could not move, I put the second on a large splint and dragged into the forest. Behind him ran his little son. They came to a deep ravine. There Negro calmly dropped his father's splints to the bottom of the ravine, turned around and went home. The son remained undecided on the edge of the ravine.
- Father! - He shouted. - Stop!
Sambo turned.
-What do you want?
-Wait, I'll get a splint ...
-Bros! What for?
-But You're too old?
-Oh yeah!
-On What I'm taking you?
The Negro stood, he thought, scratched his curly head. Then he tears into a ravine, his father put on a splint and tied stronger to avoid slid and dragged home ...
- Dear friends, if you liked the news, and you want that, would we continue in the future to publish news of a particular style pozhalujsto requested to report to the admins and report reytenge !!! Thank you in advance
One African king was a close friend, with whom he grew up. This one, regarding any situation that ever happened in his life, be it positive or negative, was wont to say: "This is good!»
One day the king was hunting. A friend happened to be compiled and loaded the guns for the king. Obviously, he did something wrong, preparing one of the guns. When the king took his friend's gun and fired it, he tore off his thumb. Investigating the situation, one normally spoke: "It's good!" To this the king replied, "No, this is not good!" - And ordered to send his friend to jail.
It took about a year, the king was hunting in an area where he could, in his opinion, to be completely fearless. But Cannibals captured him and led to his village along with all the others. They tied his hands, dragged a pile of firewood, set the pole and tied the king to the post. As they came closer, to make a fire, they noticed that the king lacks the thumb on the hand. Because of their superstition they never ate the one who had the handicap in the body. Untying the king, they let him go.
Returning home, he remembered the case when he lost his thumb and felt remorse for his treatment of the other. He immediately went to the jail to speak with him.
- You were right - he said - it was good that I was left without a finger.
And he told all that had just happened to him.
- I am very sorry that I put you in jail, it was my bad side.
- No, - said a friend of his - it's good!
- What are you saying? Is it good that I put her boyfriend for a year in jail?
- If I had not been in prison, he would be there with you.
- A sick child! (Modern Parables)
A professional golfer left the club after winning the tournament seriously. In the parking lot, he met with the sick woman, who told him that her child is sick and in the hospital. She had no money, and she asked for a golfer to give her some of the money he won to help a child suffering from a serious illness. Athlete Istria deeply touched, and he gave her all the winnings to pay for the operation and save the child.
A day or two later the golfer back to your club and share this story with some people at the club. Some said, "Oh, no! You've been cheated! This woman did not have time to do so. We are so sorry that you had to become the next victim. It was a ploy to get hold of your money.
Golfer asked: "So there is no sick child? & Quot;
They said: "Of course not!»
Then the golfer said: "This is the good news for the whole week!»
- Honoring father! (Christian parable)
At one of the African tribe of savages there is a cruel custom: the elderly, incapable of decrepitude go to hunt and fend for themselves, they are transported somewhere in the thicket of the forest or ravine and there left to their fate by giving them to die, or from hunger or from predators . A person becomes weak, useless. Therefore feed "extra mouth" is not worth it.
Once Sambo, young, healthy Negro took his old father that old age could not move, I put the second on a large splint and dragged into the forest. Behind him ran his little son. They came to a deep ravine. There Negro calmly dropped his father's splints to the bottom of the ravine, turned around and went home. The son remained undecided on the edge of the ravine.
- Father! - He shouted. - Stop!
Sambo turned.
-What do you want?
-Wait, I'll get a splint ...
-Bros! What for?
-But You're too old?
-Oh yeah!
-On What I'm taking you?
The Negro stood, he thought, scratched his curly head. Then he tears into a ravine, his father put on a splint and tied stronger to avoid slid and dragged home ...
- Dear friends, if you liked the news, and you want that, would we continue in the future to publish news of a particular style pozhalujsto requested to report to the admins and report reytenge !!! Thank you in advance