Mongolian remedy for diabetes
Coriander in Ayurvedic medicine,Coriander is widely used in Ayurveda for treatment of many conditions:
Mongolian remedy for diabetesMellitus, the Mongols treated with coriander. 10 grams dry of a plant pounded in a mortar, pour 200 ml water and boil for 3 minutes.
Cooled decoction drink during the day, for 3 times between meals. Duration of treatment – 2-3 months. Chronic patients this treatment allows to reduce the dose of insulin.
If diabetes does not run and treatment began in a timely manner, the possibility of complete recovery.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © econet
Source: econetonline.com
- beneficial for the cardiovascular system;
- positive impact on digestive and urinary system;
- regulates the appetite, removes flatulence;
- relieves abdominal pain -it is the seeds brewed with boiling water and drink as tea;
- has a cleansing action helps to rid the body of accumulated toxins.
- drink from coriander is a good remedy for heartburn, relieves burning in the stomach, belching, and has antibacterial and healing effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach wall;

- beneficial effect onthe liver when dullness and stagnation in it and improve the appetite. For this purpose, it can be used not only as seasoning but also as a tea in a tincture for a drink before or after a meal;
- along with turmeric coriander can be used for the treatment of hepatitis;
- useful in the complex therapy in the treatment of obesity due to its ability to distribute the fat in the body;
- used for the treatment and prevention of cleansing of the kidneys and urinary tract. Helps to solve such problems as difficulty or painful urination, urinary tract infections, kidney stones and enlarged prostate, cystitis and pyelonephritis. In the complex treatment helps with kidney failure. Also the coriander, because of its mild diuretic action can be used in the treatment of edema;
- coriander and herbs used for genital herpes;
- along with saffron and turmeric, coriander useful for women with inflammation of the pelvic organs, including endometritis and endometriosis. Fresh coriander is a rich source of phytoestrogens. The infusion of coriander seeds: 1-2 tsp seeds or 0.5 tsp. of the powder of the seeds pour 1 Cup boiling water for 10-20 minutes, drink as tea.
- positive action has coriander in all febrile and infectious diseases. At night pour 2 tbsp of coriander a glass of water at room temperature. The infusion must drink in the morning. During the day it is recommended to drink the tea (infusion) of coriander with lemon.
- in inflammatory diseases of the eye, conjunctivitis, for washing use a strong infusion of coriander: 1 tablespoon per Cup of boiling water. Use the infusion room temperature.

Mongolian remedy for diabetesMellitus, the Mongols treated with coriander. 10 grams dry of a plant pounded in a mortar, pour 200 ml water and boil for 3 minutes.
Cooled decoction drink during the day, for 3 times between meals. Duration of treatment – 2-3 months. Chronic patients this treatment allows to reduce the dose of insulin.
If diabetes does not run and treatment began in a timely manner, the possibility of complete recovery.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © econet
Source: econetonline.com