Emergency call turned out for the family of this firefighter long-awaited happiness

This amazing story happened 6 years ago, but it became known about it only now. 14 Nov 2011 in the state of South Carolina rescuers fire station, Myrtle beach received a call from a woman who complained of severe abdominal pain (call 911 coming firefighters, if they are closer than the paramedics, and they have the necessary skills for first aid).
When mark Hadden and his team rushed to the place, it turned out that the woman with any minute to give birth. Time to carry the woman to the hospital was not, therefore, fire, which by then already had two children and had to take delivery on their own.

When mark adopted a baby girl in his arms, he even had no idea that holding my future daughter. And on the same day, literally a couple of hours later, the local hospital the girl's mother has officially announced that it refuses the daughter, as is not able to educate her.

Two days later, the baby was handed over to the family Adenov under guardianship, a year later, they finally adopted her officially, which was insanely happy.

Now 5-year-old Rebecca goes to kindergarten at the school where she teaches her mom Beth Hadden. She has a wonderful warm relationship with his older brothers, 12 and 14 years. From Rebecca do not hide the fact the circumstances under which she was born: a girl knows the story of his birth.

"We never hid this from her. If you'll ask her how she was born, Rebecca will answer you that "daddy helped me to be born in the ambulance".

"Now it is enough explanation. As Rebecca grows, she asks more questions and find out more. But I wouldn't want to shock her that she was adopted when she grows up".

"In the end, she knows that she's our daughter and we love her as a mother. Yes, sometimes children come into the family from other parents, "says mark.
Photo preview Marc Hadden
According to the materials of the mirror.co.uk
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