This rare "chick-goth" entirely black, including the internal organs and bones!

I'm sure everyone has seen amazing photos of animals white albino. But did you know that in Indonesia there is a breed of roosters, whose feathers, blood and innards black? The editors of the Site in amazement and in a hurry to show the reader this incredible bird!
A breed of roosters is called ayam cemani, it bred mainly in Indonesia.

Photo source: Boredpanda.sorcery colour in birds is caused by increased melanin content resulting from genetic mutations.

The excess melanin accumulates in the tissues and bones ayam cemani at the stage of embryonic development.

Their meat and eggs are completely edible. Moreover, Indonesians think that black cocks help in the treatment of certain diseases.

In Thailand ayam cemani sacrifice to the gods, believing that it grants luck and saves from the evil eye.

But in European countries the black roosters and chickens kept as ornamental birds.

via factroom.ru
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