14 coolest short series that you could accidentally miss

Every year the world produced many serials where the plot of the story from the interchange are only a few episodes. Among them there are those, not seeing that we will not lose anything, and those that are able to bring into our lives something new and interesting.
The website has gathered for you some short TV shows that leave a long aftertaste. What — you decide.
Our zoo Our Zoo

Starring: Lee Inglbi, Liz white
This 6-part series tells the history of one of the most famous attractions in the UK Chester zoo, where today there are more than 7000 different animals. It all began in the 30-ies of the last century — once George Mottershead sorry old camel and put him in the yard of the London home...
- IMDb: 8,4
In the flesh In the Flesh

Starring: Luke Newberry, Harriet Keynes
4 years later after an epidemic has turned many of the inhabitants of Britain into a zombie, the government began an experiment to return them to normal life. In the center of the series — the story of a teenager Kieran Walker, who returns to his village to start life anew. However, not all of whom managed to avoid infection, ready to accept the neighborhood.
- IMDb: 8,1
Witness for the prosecution The Witness for the Prosecution

Starring: Kim Cattrall, Billy hole, Toby Jones
A middle-aged aristocrat Emily French is murdered in her own home. In the crime suspect her young friend, whose situation is compounded by the fact that shortly before Emily's death transferred to him all his fortune. The only one who could help the young man, his wife, however, she suddenly gives testimony, which practically do not leave him a chance to be released.
- IMDb: 7,2
The lost honor of The Lost Honour of Christopher Jefferies

Starring: Jason Watkins, Shaun Parkes
The former school teacher Christopher Jefferies is accused of the murder of a young man named Joe, who shot a room in his house. Despite the fact that Mr. Jeffries was released by the police, his bizarre appearance and unusual behavior forced the society to doubt his innocence. A serious social drama proving popular phrase that you can't judge a candy by its wrapper.
- IMDb: 8.0
Secrets of the billionaire The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

Starring: Robert durst, Andrew Jarecki
The film is about billionaire Robert Derse, who is suspected of committing three unsolved murders. Despite the fact that this series is a documentary, it is not inferior in entertainment and the twists in the plot to many art. The main intrigue of the film — the first in 30 years an interview with Durst and the final, which was a surprise even to the makers of the "Mystery billionaire".
- IMDb: 8,8
Target Hit & Miss

Starring: Chloe sevigny, Jonas Armstrong
Shemale MIA whose profession is to kill people for money, receives a letter from a dying cancer ex-girlfriend. In it she writes that 11 years ago gave birth to MIA's son, and now asks her to take guardianship over him, unaware of what changes have occurred in the life of her former lover. Arriving in a remote village, home to her new family, MIA learns that she will have to adopt not only his son Ben, but three of his brothers and sisters.
- IMDb: 7,9
Roots Roots

Starring: Malachi Kirby, forest Whitaker, Jonathan Rhys Meyers
The effect of this 8-hour series begins in 1750 and ends in 1865 — the year when the United States slavery was abolished. In the movie, filmed on the book by American writer Alex Haley, tells the story of families whose roots are from black boys Kunty Kinte, born in Africa and sold into slavery. A tragic story of the family of the writer against the backdrop of one of the most dramatic periods in the history of America.
- IMDb: 7,9
My mother and other strangers My Mother and Other Strangers

Starring: Hattie morahan is a British, Aaron Staton
The action of this drama takes place in Northern Ireland in 1943 in the fictional town on the shores of Lough neagh. In the center of events — Coyne wife and their three children, a quiet and measured life changing after at a nearby military airfield landed 4000 American soldiers. The love triangle and secret passions on the background of classic English landscapes — "delicious" drama for those who love simple and at the same time convoluted history.
- IDMb: 7,0
The Secret Of The Secret

Starring: Genevieve O'reilly, James Nesbitt
The plot of this 4-part film based on real events. A married dentist Colin Howell falls in love with a married Sunday school teacher hazel Buchanan, however, in addition to the sudden outbreak of passion of lovers appears far more terrible secret to hide. The film is about how under the guise of virtue may be lurking evil demons, which could be stopped almost impossible.
- IMDb: 7,2
River River

Starring: Stellan Skarsgard, Nicola Walker
Detective series, in which, however, you will not see any shootings, no exciting chases, talks about detective John Rivera investigating the murder of his partner Jackie Stevenson. It would have been quite usual, if not one "but" throughout his life, the river hears voices of dead people, to the choir which joins Jackie. A poignant drama about loneliness, true love, accepting yourself and the world.
- IMDb: 8,2
Doctor Foster Doctor Foster

Starring: Suran Jones, Bertie Carvel
The life of Dr. foster quiet and leisurely — the husband, son and beloved work. But everything changes the day she discovers her husband's scarf, someone else's hair and begins to suspect him of treason. The doctor investigates the case and finds irrefutable evidence of infidelity of a spouse. It would have been rather trivial, but the action Mrs. foster lead to the fact that the story can be quite bloody.
- IMDb: 7,9
Rillington place Rillington Place

Starring: Tim Roth, Samantha Morton
Despite the fact that "Rillington place" tells the story of one of the bloodiest killers in the history of Britain by John Christie in the film is not the murder scene. The main action of the series takes place around the couple, Timothy and beryl Evans. Killing and raping a beryl, John Christie, testifying in court, leading to the fact that Timothy is executed for this crime. The maniac in the performance of Tim Roth continues to commit crimes until the moment when the secret accidentally becomes clear.
- IMDb: 7,6
Thirteen Thirteen

Starring: jodie comer, Richard Rankin
13-year-old ivy Maxam kidnapped in 2003, and finally, 13 years later, she managed to break free. All these years, her world was limited to a small room, and now she will have a few days to turn from a teenager into an adult woman. However, the trauma done to her psyche by years of prison, prevent ivy becoming a part of society and their own families. Are they willing to accept, and, most importantly, to understand each other?
- IMDb: 7,4
The living and the dead The Living and the Dead

Starring: Colin Morgan, Charlotte Spencer
The English County of Somerset, 1894. Young couple Nathan and Charlotte Appleby inherits the farm and the house is old and gloomy as a London fog. Nathan is obsessed with finding proof of life after death, and in the house begin to be supernatural phenomena that threaten not only relations between spouses, but also their safety. Series that need to watch very carefully, because some unusual items simultaneously and tangle, and shed light on its events.
- IMDb: 7,5
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