What would famous movies look like if they were happening now?
We all have a habit of revisiting our favorite movies and cartoons again and then again. And more. During this time, we have already learned them by heart and can easily guess what the main character was wearing in the 38th minute of the picture. But what if we were to transfer the famous stories to our time?
We inWebsite We have been thinking seriously about this issue and we hasten to share our insights with you.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Toy Story
Star Wars IV: A New Hope
Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
Shawshank Escape
Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses
Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of the Ring
Illustrator Leonid Khan specifically Website
See also.
What movies would look like if they were made in 2016
What movies would look like if there were no special effects
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