This is the strange sea creature we've seen!

Not so long ago the network appeared the touching picture of a sea elephant sitting on a chair. It turned out that the picture shows the sculpture created by Margriet van Brevoort, who decided to pay attention to the patients in the queue to the doctor. Now this patient elephant contributes to raising the mood of the people who came to the clinic.
The website wants to introduce the reader closer to the sea elephants, which, it appears, are still cuties!
The name of these pinnipeds were not accidental. Elephant seals can reach a length of five meters, and weighing two and a half tons!

In addition, similar to elephants makes them and is a fleshy growth on his nose that looks like a short elephant trunk

During the mating period by the males emit a loud and terrible roar, scaring away the other contenders for the female

In the quiet time the males emit a sound similar to human laughter, quickly exhaling the air through the trunk

Most males hold a high position in the group. The elephant, which has proven its credibility, can claim several females

It happens that in the harem of the leader of a group of elephant seals hold up to 20 females. Other males do not even dare to encroach on them!

Newborn sea elephants trunk do not have. He's not with females, they are more like simple seals

via factroom.ru
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