A letter to the top...
Archangel Michael apathetically watched letters from the Earth, sorting them according to their ideological content. — "Give me the money...", "...tithing, donate to the temple..." — he read in a low voice random lines from a long treatment.
Dictionary you for concepts, what is "tithing" and returns the loan. To the beggars! With these words, the sheet of paper went in a huge box with the label "Department requests".
— "Tell me, what are we living for..." — he soon takes the message and, not even looking to the end, throws in a box covered with question marks.
— "Thank You, Lord..." Please! — and a letter flies into a pile of gratitude.
— "Forgive my sins..." Forgive!
A number of letters, barely pausing in the hands of an Archangel, added to an appropriate container.
"God, adopt me..." wearily mumbles Michael a new line. — Begging!
— "Dear colleague, allow me to congratulate you..." In spam this lunatic! — and finally, the page flies into a huge dumpster.
"Dear heavenly Father, I want to increase his spirit, send them this letter a hundred times..." — he begins to read the following message and, when finished, sends to the same.
"Hey, you up there! Not capacite like elephants..." the Archangel already stood up in surprise.
— And this is how I got here? Okay, let's go in "complaints Department".
— "Tell me, God if Your Spirit is brains..." — the hand of Michael rushes to the "complaints", but a little hesitation, still down a piece for questions.
"Praise God..." To the suck-up — already decides sorter, but then his eyes drew a few lines below with requests for health.
Okay, to disease!
"Creator, sober up and recreate the world...", "...don't disappoint me this time, and not making a powerful enemy...", "...see you soon..." — Michael wearily covered his face with his hand.
— How the fuck do you undertake? And another letter flies in the trash.
When the work was done, the Archangel wearily plodded down the cloud and sat down on the edge, dangling his feet over China.
Why good meet evil — wise parable
Do not leave us, behind us
— How you doing, Mishan? — was heard from behind the gentle divine Voice.
For Me today date.
He just shook his head sadly: — Nothing good. As always, praise, requests, confession, gratitude, complaints and even threats...
But, suddenly recollecting himself, he jumped up and took from his pocket a notebook sheet of paper on which was black only two lines childish handwriting.
— "Dear God, how are you, health, happy? Maybe I can do something to help?" — read aloud the Lord and, carefully holding the letter in his hand, winked at the angel: — Thank you, Mish! I'll go write the answer.published
Source: marinasmolenskaya.ru/pritchi/pismo-na-samyj-verx.html
Dictionary you for concepts, what is "tithing" and returns the loan. To the beggars! With these words, the sheet of paper went in a huge box with the label "Department requests".
— "Tell me, what are we living for..." — he soon takes the message and, not even looking to the end, throws in a box covered with question marks.
— "Thank You, Lord..." Please! — and a letter flies into a pile of gratitude.
— "Forgive my sins..." Forgive!

A number of letters, barely pausing in the hands of an Archangel, added to an appropriate container.
"God, adopt me..." wearily mumbles Michael a new line. — Begging!
— "Dear colleague, allow me to congratulate you..." In spam this lunatic! — and finally, the page flies into a huge dumpster.
"Dear heavenly Father, I want to increase his spirit, send them this letter a hundred times..." — he begins to read the following message and, when finished, sends to the same.
"Hey, you up there! Not capacite like elephants..." the Archangel already stood up in surprise.
— And this is how I got here? Okay, let's go in "complaints Department".
— "Tell me, God if Your Spirit is brains..." — the hand of Michael rushes to the "complaints", but a little hesitation, still down a piece for questions.
"Praise God..." To the suck-up — already decides sorter, but then his eyes drew a few lines below with requests for health.
Okay, to disease!
"Creator, sober up and recreate the world...", "...don't disappoint me this time, and not making a powerful enemy...", "...see you soon..." — Michael wearily covered his face with his hand.
— How the fuck do you undertake? And another letter flies in the trash.
When the work was done, the Archangel wearily plodded down the cloud and sat down on the edge, dangling his feet over China.
Why good meet evil — wise parable
Do not leave us, behind us
— How you doing, Mishan? — was heard from behind the gentle divine Voice.
For Me today date.
He just shook his head sadly: — Nothing good. As always, praise, requests, confession, gratitude, complaints and even threats...
But, suddenly recollecting himself, he jumped up and took from his pocket a notebook sheet of paper on which was black only two lines childish handwriting.
— "Dear God, how are you, health, happy? Maybe I can do something to help?" — read aloud the Lord and, carefully holding the letter in his hand, winked at the angel: — Thank you, Mish! I'll go write the answer.published
Source: marinasmolenskaya.ru/pritchi/pismo-na-samyj-verx.html
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