Point to improve vision

Periodic harmonizing influence to the point Tun-Tzu-Liao has a positive effect in decreasing visual acuity and various eye diseases. The duration and force of the massage should be individualized.

The massage point is made simultaneously from both sides with closed eyes and accompanied by the mind's idea of what your eyes relax and improve their health.

The feeling of relaxation and relieve tension in the eyes is an indication that you have selected the correct duration and impact force.

Point Tun-Tzu-Liao is 0.5 cm outwards from the outer corner of the eye.

To influence the point should be only with the help of massage.published

"25 magic points to control the psyche and the maintenance of health", A. Medvedev, Igor Medvedev


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Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_3814


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