HOW to learn to manage emotions
Remember, do you meet people who fill any space, no matter where they come from? People who charge you with their energy. One glance at which creates the impression that they were not familiar with such phenomena as "problems at work or troubles in your personal life".
Then you remember that a number of them the world is seen from a different angle. Miraculously, you start to evaluate life situations from different angles, not fitting under the standard criteria of "good-bad" or "white is black".
"What's the secret?" – surely wondered you.
Maybe they don't let the negative, from which none of us is immune? Maybe they just have some other magical life? Or they know something about what you have no idea?
Secret knowledge does exist. And it is called "emotional intelligence".
What is it?
Immediately discard several options. This is not the suppression of emotions, because reasonable, this process can not be called sooner or later, these suppressed emotions will manifest themselves as diseases and nervous breakdowns.
EQ – not ignoring the emotions. It's another way to nowhere, because it reduces the quality of life. Each of us came into this world, to know it in all its forms. Ignoring emotions is like having lungs, but not to breathe them.
The clear definition of "Emotional intelligence" is the ability to manage their emotions. Even more accurate – the ability to create such a mood that you need.
Well-developed emotional intelligence means freedom from emotions of those around you loved ones, colleagues, acquaintances and just random people. Whatever happens around, you have your own mood. The problems of the world would not intrude into your inner world.
But this immunity is not available to everyone. Usually we, on the contrary, too much exposed to the world. This means that the level of development of our emotional intelligence is far from desired.
Each of us have heard the phrase "think well before taking an important decision". But who of us have heard the "right feel"? The formation of the EQ most people begins with early childhood.
Growing up, we were faced with different situations. Looking at their parents and other people, we learned how to behave correctly. Watched how they react to near and far environment, and sincerely believed such a model is only correct. Step by step, and by ten years we have mastered the basic skills of emotional response. As you enter into adulthood, continued to behave exactly the same as our parents, neighbors or friends.
Usually this knowledge we received unconsciously. Please note: the school cheating was strictly forbidden, but "copying" other people's emotions was the norm. Wise adults even called this process the "experience". In fact, from the point of view of emotional intelligence, this process is deeply unconscious. Like during a math test, "cheating" other people's emotions does not give. It suggests that the emotional reactions of man is not recognized and not controlled.
This, in turn, is an indication that emotional intelligence is not evolyutsioniruet. Simply put, you live "as all", "stable" marking time in one place, not growing, chewing the grievances of bygone days. Your mind and your heart, as they say in the theater, "half a leg". On the basis of constant negativity in your life come disease and hostility to themselves.
Those children who are fortunate enough to grow up surrounded by people with a higher EQ, they will behave differently. From early childhood, they were taught to make in your life positive and find the beauty in every moment.
If you are not lucky enough to grow up in such a family, don't despair. Emotional intelligence effectively nurtured at any age.
The first step towards its education is a skill to convert a negative into a positive. It is known that the poison in small doses can cure. And negative emotions can become a breeding ground for self-reproach, and the impetus to enhance the thought process and the launch of new neural connections in the brain. Make positive in your life helps you maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body and strengthens your health better than any medication.
With the time management skill of emotional intelligence will be able to completely eliminate negative emotions from your life. You will learn how to convert them into energy for its development, to identify them at the stage of formation and converted into a positive resource.
Often, simultaneously with the development of emotional intelligence people are cured from serious illnesses, promoted through the ranks or achieves the purpose of his life. So to master the EQ is incredibly profitable. Indeed, in recent decades, most of the diseases that afflict humanity, is due to an imbalance of emotions.
Therefore, emotional intelligence is not just another trendy concept, which was worth nothing. This is your chance to save mental and physical health. Improve your EQ and you will become an example to follow in his Royal coolness and the ability to ride any stress.
Source: /users/9266
Then you remember that a number of them the world is seen from a different angle. Miraculously, you start to evaluate life situations from different angles, not fitting under the standard criteria of "good-bad" or "white is black".

"What's the secret?" – surely wondered you.
Maybe they don't let the negative, from which none of us is immune? Maybe they just have some other magical life? Or they know something about what you have no idea?
Secret knowledge does exist. And it is called "emotional intelligence".
What is it?
Immediately discard several options. This is not the suppression of emotions, because reasonable, this process can not be called sooner or later, these suppressed emotions will manifest themselves as diseases and nervous breakdowns.
EQ – not ignoring the emotions. It's another way to nowhere, because it reduces the quality of life. Each of us came into this world, to know it in all its forms. Ignoring emotions is like having lungs, but not to breathe them.
The clear definition of "Emotional intelligence" is the ability to manage their emotions. Even more accurate – the ability to create such a mood that you need.
Well-developed emotional intelligence means freedom from emotions of those around you loved ones, colleagues, acquaintances and just random people. Whatever happens around, you have your own mood. The problems of the world would not intrude into your inner world.

But this immunity is not available to everyone. Usually we, on the contrary, too much exposed to the world. This means that the level of development of our emotional intelligence is far from desired.
Each of us have heard the phrase "think well before taking an important decision". But who of us have heard the "right feel"? The formation of the EQ most people begins with early childhood.
Growing up, we were faced with different situations. Looking at their parents and other people, we learned how to behave correctly. Watched how they react to near and far environment, and sincerely believed such a model is only correct. Step by step, and by ten years we have mastered the basic skills of emotional response. As you enter into adulthood, continued to behave exactly the same as our parents, neighbors or friends.
Usually this knowledge we received unconsciously. Please note: the school cheating was strictly forbidden, but "copying" other people's emotions was the norm. Wise adults even called this process the "experience". In fact, from the point of view of emotional intelligence, this process is deeply unconscious. Like during a math test, "cheating" other people's emotions does not give. It suggests that the emotional reactions of man is not recognized and not controlled.
This, in turn, is an indication that emotional intelligence is not evolyutsioniruet. Simply put, you live "as all", "stable" marking time in one place, not growing, chewing the grievances of bygone days. Your mind and your heart, as they say in the theater, "half a leg". On the basis of constant negativity in your life come disease and hostility to themselves.
Those children who are fortunate enough to grow up surrounded by people with a higher EQ, they will behave differently. From early childhood, they were taught to make in your life positive and find the beauty in every moment.
If you are not lucky enough to grow up in such a family, don't despair. Emotional intelligence effectively nurtured at any age.

The first step towards its education is a skill to convert a negative into a positive. It is known that the poison in small doses can cure. And negative emotions can become a breeding ground for self-reproach, and the impetus to enhance the thought process and the launch of new neural connections in the brain. Make positive in your life helps you maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body and strengthens your health better than any medication.
With the time management skill of emotional intelligence will be able to completely eliminate negative emotions from your life. You will learn how to convert them into energy for its development, to identify them at the stage of formation and converted into a positive resource.
Often, simultaneously with the development of emotional intelligence people are cured from serious illnesses, promoted through the ranks or achieves the purpose of his life. So to master the EQ is incredibly profitable. Indeed, in recent decades, most of the diseases that afflict humanity, is due to an imbalance of emotions.
Therefore, emotional intelligence is not just another trendy concept, which was worth nothing. This is your chance to save mental and physical health. Improve your EQ and you will become an example to follow in his Royal coolness and the ability to ride any stress.
Source: /users/9266
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