Programmable thermostat – the key to saving money on home heating
As a rule, all, and especially the owners of cottages and country houses, trying any way to reduce their expenses for their Parking. One of the main and most effective ways to achieve significant result in this regard – there is an application to control the operation of the system of heating, various control and regulating devices and devices, which are now on the market are many.
Specially designed for easy operation and control of heating systems in the house – they significantly increase the efficiency of these systems, thereby saving us money. About one of such devices – programmable thermostat, we'll discuss in our article.
Tasks and rates programmable thermostats
Used in modern heating systems control devices such as programmable thermostats is the easiest, convenient and fastest way to resolve the issue, significantly improve the efficiency of the entire heating system in the house.
Regarding the prices, good and efficient programmable thermostat for heating the house is within 3 – 6 thousand roubles. Nothing more costly, and additional, to significantly improve the performance of your heating system to purchase you do not need. Relatively to the cost of programmable thermostats, you for a year of operation of this device in the heating system, get at least 15 – 20% of saving their money.
Programming the thermostat and ensuring comfortable living conditions in the house.
Programmable thermostats, without any changes and loads on the occupants of the house, except for them, significant energy savings on heating – significantly adds to home comfort. When programming your heating system in the house or apartment, you set the thermostat so that it is maintained in the room temperature, the most convenient and comfortable for you at certain times of day and days of the week. These settings are treated as modes of reducing the temperature in the house, and to the modes of heating his premises.
Highlights of the programming of the thermostat the following:
There are cases that in the house there is a need to maintain a temperature in the living room, but quite another, in a heated basement and even then some areas. Here you come to the rescue purchase a few programmable thermostats and their corresponding programming for each type of space. Here also have to use additional regulating devices such valves with electric actuator, etc. we have already entered the so-called zonal control of temperature in rooms of the house.
When your programmable thermostat has initially selected the factory settings, then it is better not to touch it, because "your" can bring down the whole application as a whole and not result in savings, and the excessive consumption of your heating energy.
Summing up a little earlier, we can say that there are many ways to provide savings of energy consumption by the heating system in the house, but one of the most preferable and effective is the use of programmable thermostats in modern heating systems of the premises. published
Source: ingsvd.ru/main/saving/785-programmiruemyy-termostat-zalog-ekonomii-sredstv-na-otoplenie-doma.html
Specially designed for easy operation and control of heating systems in the house – they significantly increase the efficiency of these systems, thereby saving us money. About one of such devices – programmable thermostat, we'll discuss in our article.
Tasks and rates programmable thermostats
Used in modern heating systems control devices such as programmable thermostats is the easiest, convenient and fastest way to resolve the issue, significantly improve the efficiency of the entire heating system in the house.

Regarding the prices, good and efficient programmable thermostat for heating the house is within 3 – 6 thousand roubles. Nothing more costly, and additional, to significantly improve the performance of your heating system to purchase you do not need. Relatively to the cost of programmable thermostats, you for a year of operation of this device in the heating system, get at least 15 – 20% of saving their money.
Programming the thermostat and ensuring comfortable living conditions in the house.
Programmable thermostats, without any changes and loads on the occupants of the house, except for them, significant energy savings on heating – significantly adds to home comfort. When programming your heating system in the house or apartment, you set the thermostat so that it is maintained in the room temperature, the most convenient and comfortable for you at certain times of day and days of the week. These settings are treated as modes of reducing the temperature in the house, and to the modes of heating his premises.
Highlights of the programming of the thermostat the following:
- As a rule, most of the users at night sets the minimum – the most comfortable temperature for sleep, but the hours of daylight, the temperature in the rooms of the house should be much higher, to around +21 – 23°C.
- At night, thanks to the programmable thermostat operating the heating system at home, partially disabled, or will operate in half power – so you will feel a considerable energy savings at the counters of consumption of gas and electricity.

- Another embodiment of the programming of the thermostat, for example, all the adults went to work and children to school – so why to maintain a high temperature in the rooms for these conditions? When you correct your programming, the thermostat will reduce the temperature in the house during the absence of people in it, because it is also a significant energy savings, and your money, in the end, too! After all, the arrival of children from school and your arrival from work, the temperature in the rooms again restored to comfortable for the occupants of the house conditions.
- You must also keep in mind that the house always has the room for entertaining, attic and basement heated area where temperatures do not have to maintain the level of the main living rooms. Here for such cases also very effective to use programmable thermostats for heating systems the house which give you the opportunity, at your discretion to lower the temperature by turning off the heating in them at the time "idle".
- Another option to significantly reduce the temperature in the house option of your winter holiday. To disable the entire heating system of the house at this time you are unlikely to work, because it is fraught with the possibility of freezing – but significantly reduce the temperature in the house by using the programmable thermostat, it is possible.
There are cases that in the house there is a need to maintain a temperature in the living room, but quite another, in a heated basement and even then some areas. Here you come to the rescue purchase a few programmable thermostats and their corresponding programming for each type of space. Here also have to use additional regulating devices such valves with electric actuator, etc. we have already entered the so-called zonal control of temperature in rooms of the house.

When your programmable thermostat has initially selected the factory settings, then it is better not to touch it, because "your" can bring down the whole application as a whole and not result in savings, and the excessive consumption of your heating energy.
Summing up a little earlier, we can say that there are many ways to provide savings of energy consumption by the heating system in the house, but one of the most preferable and effective is the use of programmable thermostats in modern heating systems of the premises. published
Source: ingsvd.ru/main/saving/785-programmiruemyy-termostat-zalog-ekonomii-sredstv-na-otoplenie-doma.html