How to quit Smoking: 3 tools that will help you cope with Smoking
Our body and especially our brain, so accustomed to a constant intake of nicotine that, faced with a deficit of this toxin, react with a number of symptoms which are also known as withdrawal syndrome. Did you know that vitamin C and a bit of will power are your best helpers in the fight against the syndrome.
There are certain times and moments when a person suffering from this harmful habit, especially want to smoke:
-immediately after waking up;
-at public events;
-after eating;
over a Cup of coffee;
-in breaks between work;
Usually the hardest, given the rejection of the first morning cigarette. And here's why:
1.After a whole night of sleep and rest level of nicotine in the blood decreases. When we Wake up, the brain feels especially sharply this deficiency and encourages the taking the drug to which he was accustomed.
2.Neurons need this element, though it is harmful. They don't want to lose stimulator, which helps them to cope with daily routine.
3.In the absence of nicotine in the body begins a series of metabolic and physical changes that help compensate for its lack of and, in addition, encourage us to once again smoke a cigarette.
Morning syndrome is most Often a person smokes one or two cigarettes before Breakfast, immediately after waking up. It is very harmful for health. The first hurdle we have to overcome, is the morning syndrome. After we have set a goal to quit Smoking, we must be prepared for the fact that the worst moment is waiting for us in the first three days. All this time, the brain will be hard to "require" us to "put" him a dose of nicotine.
Below we will tell you about three great tools that will help to deal with it.
Tool No. 1: medical lemonade This natural drink, rich in antioxidants that can bring our body the toxins will saturate our body with vitamin C.
Drink the lemonade immediately upon waking.
Remedy # 2: cleansing the lungsIngredients:
Method of preparation: Bring to boil half liter of water. Once on the surface will appear bubbles, cut into four pieces peeled onion and add it. Add the ginger, ground turmeric. Cook the mixture over medium heat for 35-40 minutes. Remove the mixture from the heat and leave it for another half hour, then add the honey, strain it and take two tablespoons every morning.
Tool No. 3: infusion of liquoriceIngredients:
Licorice root has antibacterial, soothing, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is will help you to cope with the syndrome.
This is a very effective and palatable means that help to quit Smoking. Try it! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/brosit-kurit-3-prostyh-sposoba-otlichno-nachat-den-i-spravitsya-s-sindromom-otmeny/

There are certain times and moments when a person suffering from this harmful habit, especially want to smoke:
-immediately after waking up;
-at public events;
-after eating;
over a Cup of coffee;
-in breaks between work;
Usually the hardest, given the rejection of the first morning cigarette. And here's why:
1.After a whole night of sleep and rest level of nicotine in the blood decreases. When we Wake up, the brain feels especially sharply this deficiency and encourages the taking the drug to which he was accustomed.
2.Neurons need this element, though it is harmful. They don't want to lose stimulator, which helps them to cope with daily routine.
3.In the absence of nicotine in the body begins a series of metabolic and physical changes that help compensate for its lack of and, in addition, encourage us to once again smoke a cigarette.
Morning syndrome is most Often a person smokes one or two cigarettes before Breakfast, immediately after waking up. It is very harmful for health. The first hurdle we have to overcome, is the morning syndrome. After we have set a goal to quit Smoking, we must be prepared for the fact that the worst moment is waiting for us in the first three days. All this time, the brain will be hard to "require" us to "put" him a dose of nicotine.
Below we will tell you about three great tools that will help to deal with it.
Tool No. 1: medical lemonade This natural drink, rich in antioxidants that can bring our body the toxins will saturate our body with vitamin C.

- 1 lemon
- 1 orange
- 1 carrot
- 1 teaspoon ground ginger (5 g)
- 1 teaspoon ginseng extract (5 g)
- 15 grapes
- 1 liter of water
- 3 ice cube
Drink the lemonade immediately upon waking.
Remedy # 2: cleansing the lungsIngredients:
- 1 onion
- ½ Liters of water
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric (5 grams)
- 1 piece ginger root (5 g)
- 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)

Method of preparation: Bring to boil half liter of water. Once on the surface will appear bubbles, cut into four pieces peeled onion and add it. Add the ginger, ground turmeric. Cook the mixture over medium heat for 35-40 minutes. Remove the mixture from the heat and leave it for another half hour, then add the honey, strain it and take two tablespoons every morning.
Tool No. 3: infusion of liquoriceIngredients:
- 1 tablespoon licorice root (10 g) (it can be purchased in the pharmacy or in health food stores)
- 1 Cup water (200 ml)
- 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
Licorice root has antibacterial, soothing, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is will help you to cope with the syndrome.
This is a very effective and palatable means that help to quit Smoking. Try it! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/brosit-kurit-3-prostyh-sposoba-otlichno-nachat-den-i-spravitsya-s-sindromom-otmeny/
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