20 people is not different from celebrities
Twenty three million five hundred seventeen thousand four hundred sixty three
Sometimes it seems that the on-screen heroes of all. They run fast, shoot straight, fight cool and brilliant look. But most often it is the merit of their bold doubles, a talent which remains in the shadows.
The website decided to lift the veil of mystery: we have gathered for you the most interesting photos of actors with their onscreen counterparts.
Margot Robbie with his understudy on the set of "suicide Squad".
Alexander Skarsgard and his stunt double on the film "Tarzan. The legend."
Pet Marty McFly with his doubles.
Incomparable Loki and his two copies.
Gerard Butler and El Barda in the film "machine gun Preacher".
Daniel Radcliffe and Robbie Coltrane, along with his copies of the film "Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows: Part I".
Chris Hemsworth with his stunt double on the set of "snow white and the hunter".
Nicole Kidman and Alicia Vela-Bailey on set of "Pretend my wife".
Beauty Megan Fox with a less attractive body double on the set of the film "TMNT".
Bruce Willis with Stuart F. doubles Wilsonism and Danny Downey during the filming of "COP out".
Team doubles series "Game of thrones".
Zac Efron with his stunt double in the movie "the Grandfather of easy virtue."
Superman Henry Cavill and his backup.
Sir Ian Mac Kellen with their stunt doubles on the set of "Lord of the rings".
Daniel Craig with a stunt double Ben Cooke on the set of "007: Coordinates "Skyfall"".
Mark Wahlberg's biceps with his stunt double-stunt.
Angelina Jolie and Eunice Huthart in the movie "salt".
Jared Padalecki peeping into the phone of his understudy.
Patrick Dempsey and his stunt double during the filming of "transformers 3: Dark side of the moon".
Jeremy Renner is a duplicate of Scarlett Johansson in "the Avengers".
Photos on the preview imgur
See also
Test: Try to guess who is the star and who is the DoppelgangeR
These people look exactly like Hollywood celebrities
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-chelovek-kotorye-vyglyadyat-v-tochnosti-kak-gollivudskie-znamenitosti-1073710/
Sometimes it seems that the on-screen heroes of all. They run fast, shoot straight, fight cool and brilliant look. But most often it is the merit of their bold doubles, a talent which remains in the shadows.
The website decided to lift the veil of mystery: we have gathered for you the most interesting photos of actors with their onscreen counterparts.

Margot Robbie with his understudy on the set of "suicide Squad".

Alexander Skarsgard and his stunt double on the film "Tarzan. The legend."

Pet Marty McFly with his doubles.

Incomparable Loki and his two copies.

Gerard Butler and El Barda in the film "machine gun Preacher".

Daniel Radcliffe and Robbie Coltrane, along with his copies of the film "Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows: Part I".

Chris Hemsworth with his stunt double on the set of "snow white and the hunter".

Nicole Kidman and Alicia Vela-Bailey on set of "Pretend my wife".

Beauty Megan Fox with a less attractive body double on the set of the film "TMNT".

Bruce Willis with Stuart F. doubles Wilsonism and Danny Downey during the filming of "COP out".

Team doubles series "Game of thrones".

Zac Efron with his stunt double in the movie "the Grandfather of easy virtue."

Superman Henry Cavill and his backup.

Sir Ian Mac Kellen with their stunt doubles on the set of "Lord of the rings".

Daniel Craig with a stunt double Ben Cooke on the set of "007: Coordinates "Skyfall"".

Mark Wahlberg's biceps with his stunt double-stunt.

Angelina Jolie and Eunice Huthart in the movie "salt".

Jared Padalecki peeping into the phone of his understudy.

Patrick Dempsey and his stunt double during the filming of "transformers 3: Dark side of the moon".

Jeremy Renner is a duplicate of Scarlett Johansson in "the Avengers".
Photos on the preview imgur
See also
Test: Try to guess who is the star and who is the DoppelgangeR
These people look exactly like Hollywood celebrities
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-chelovek-kotorye-vyglyadyat-v-tochnosti-kak-gollivudskie-znamenitosti-1073710/
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