17 actors who are not recognized in movies

It seems that there are no more plans that cannot be embodied in the frame. The rattling mixture of makeup and digital technologies turns world-famous actors into incredible creatures and allows you to get used to the most unusual images. Website It presents a fresh selection of the most fantastic reincarnations in which it is difficult to identify familiar faces.
Jennifer Lawrence as Mystic in X-Men: First Class, 2011

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Mark Ruffalo as Hulk "The Avengers," 2012

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Hugo Weaving – Red Skull, The First Avenger, 2011

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Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool "Deadpool," 2016

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Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Guardians of the Galaxy, 2014

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Tom Hardy as Bane, The Dark Knight: The Return of Legend, 2012

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Gerard Butler, The Phantom of the Opera, 2004

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Paul Bettany as Vision, Avengers: Age of Ultron, 2015

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Mickey Rourke as Marv, Sin City, 2005

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Karen Gillan as Nebula, Guardians of the Galaxy, 2014

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Ron Perlman as Hellboy in Hellboy: A Hero from the Heat, 2004

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Eddie Murphy as Mr. Wong, The Norbit Tricks, 2007

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Cara Delevingne – The Enchantress “Suicide Squad”, 2016

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Eddie Redmayne as Lily Elbe in The Danish Girl (2015)

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Michelle Pfeiffer as Lamia in Stardust, 2007

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Gary Oldman as Dracula "Dracula", 1992

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Nicholas Holt, The Beast, X-Men: Days of Future Past, 2014

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See also.
20 famous actors who have changed beyond recognition for the sake of art
20 actors who are impossible to recognize in makeup
Here's what Game of Thrones heroes look like in real life
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