What color are these pills? You'll be shocked the correct answer!
Remember how in "the Matrix," Morpheus offered Neo to choose one of two pills: blue or red? Today the Website offers the reader to make the choice, but not so easy as it seems! And what pills do you see?
Most people claims that both tablets gray. But about 40% think that the picture shows blue and red pills.
In fact, both pills are the same gray color!
Michael Abrash, programmer and technical writer, first published this image on the Internet in 2014. He said that "the human eye cannot detect ultraviolet or infrared radiation, and also has a blind spot that limits perception."
The brain compensates for the lack of data on the basis of other information. The pills in the picture, according to the scientist, it is the same gray color, but the brain makes a man see them different even after he found out about it.
via marketium.ru/fenomen-piluli/

Most people claims that both tablets gray. But about 40% think that the picture shows blue and red pills.
In fact, both pills are the same gray color!

Michael Abrash, programmer and technical writer, first published this image on the Internet in 2014. He said that "the human eye cannot detect ultraviolet or infrared radiation, and also has a blind spot that limits perception."
The brain compensates for the lack of data on the basis of other information. The pills in the picture, according to the scientist, it is the same gray color, but the brain makes a man see them different even after he found out about it.
via marketium.ru/fenomen-piluli/
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