9 psychological subtleties to charm any

One of the most influential and popular people on LinkedIn, author of 30 books on business and communication Jeff Hayden (Jeff Haden) told about why some people are able to win the favor and to evoke positive emotions from anyone and how they do it.
The site offers to understand what 9 are the qualities of a man to become charming.
Don't be afraid to lose

Charismatic people are not trying to always be a winner in everything. On the contrary, they try to give without expecting anything in return. It is there to admit their own guilt, failure or to talk about weaknesses that can do not everyone.
They can openly say: "I'm so jealous" or "I don't know how, teach me." Because I know that people appreciate sincere emotions.
Show that are genuinely happy to meet with you

To maintain live visual contact is extremely important in conversation, and people with charm, know it. They smile when you smile. Frown or nod when you do it. They do it, not because just try to repeat after you, but because you focused on what you say and listen carefully and openly accepting your emotions and words.
This feedback form helps to find common language with almost anyone and achieve a favourable response.
Looking for common ground

Most people are unconsciously looking for contradictions and disagreements, which leads rather to dispute than to the conversation. Charming and charismatic people are always looking for common ground.
Try to find something in common with someone, it helps to initiate an interesting conversation and get positive emotions from communicating with you.
Use the power of touch

Touch is a powerful tool to convey emotion. In one experiment the participants tried to convey 12 different emotions of his interlocutors through touch without using words. It was found that 50-83 % of cases, these emotions were transferred correctly.
So when you want someone to congratulate, think how to do it better — with a handshake or maybe a Pat on the shoulder, depending on the situation. This will help confirm the sincerity of your words, to convey a desired emotion to make a good impression.
Expertly use facial expressions and gestures

Charismatic people are just strikingly convey their emotions and using all the ways. They are able to turn even the most ordinary story in an interesting story. Gesticulating, making faces (when appropriate), they convey the mood of his story, thereby causing genuine interest of the interlocutor.
Not afraid to look silly

Maybe skating or playing "Twister" not the strongest side of them, but they just do not be afraid to seem awkward.
And oddly enough, people tend to respect them even more for that.
When you are really ready to show their weaknesses and are not afraid to look stupid, people laugh at you. They laugh with you. Everyone understands that this is quite normal.
They are masters to ask questions

Wizard charm without effort will force you to talk about yourself. They do not hesitate to ask questions and also openly talk about myself. After all, these people sincerely want to know what you think, and it offers them even more.
Once you learn anything about the man, ask him about it and tell me something similar about myself. This will show that you have something in common, something to share.
Always remember the names

Charming people remember names and small details with amazing accuracy. The fact that someone calls your name, even if you are familiar recently, or met once, makes you feel more important in the conversation.
Call the person by name and remember the name of his friends, relatives or a pet. It will cause you only positive emotions.
Listen more and talk less

Most people do not know how to listen, it's true. Everyone wants to share something, and it is always nice when you are telling a story, while seeing that you listen closely and experience emotions appropriate to the story. Charming people know how and love to listen more than talk. This allows you to learn more about the interesting interlocutor and find a lot in common.
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See also
7 practical tips on how to please the stranger from the first second
15 quotes the inimitable Benedict Cumberbatch
6 ways to charm any man on the methodology of intelligence
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