Treatment of gastric ulcer by the method of Marva Oganyan
The treatment of ulcers, as well as the treatment of any disease is treatment of the whole body. This means that first the patient must get rid of excessive acidity of the tissue and clear the bronchi of pus. To normalize tissue reaction only with the appropriate food, which as a result of assimilation by the tissues, alkalizes them, as she has an alkaline reaction.
And that raw plant foods, ie the same one that ulcer not to eat. But that it did not irritate the ulcer and cause extra gas formation in the intestine due to the digestion of roughage, it should be consumed in the form of fresh juice during the first two months.
However, to start treatment you need not even juice, broth and herbs that cause mucosal healing. Drink herbal tea (with a predominance of peppermint)is mandatory with honey for 20-30 days in the absence of all other food in a diet is perfectly cleanses the body (and not only the stomach and intestines) from the residual products of metabolism, especially nitrogenous compounds that destroy not only the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive pathways, but also of articular cartilage and the lining of the brain.
Polyarthritis, headaches, migraine is caused by accumulation of toxic products of nitrogen (i.e. protein) metabolism in these tissues (urea, uric acid, creatine, ammonia, etc.). Thus, healing of the ulcer, we simultaneously treat all these diseases, often accompany human life.
When exiting through the skin the same nitrogen derivatives cause eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc. Hence, their removal from the body also helps in the healing of these diseases. But this kind of "fasting" must be accompanied by colonic irrigation (daily cleansing enema 2-4 liters of warm water (30-36°C) with the addition of two teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of baking soda in two liters of water).
Bowel lavage are necessary not only to remove its contents, but also to clean every cell in the body tissues through the lymphatic vessels that take out tissue toxins into the cavity of the large intestine.
Note that drinking tea with honey is a real food for the tissues of the body. The honey at the same time heals the ulcer and soaked in the stomach, nourishes the tissues and alkalizes the cellular fluid.
Within 25-30 days selecively the whole mass tissues, helps to eliminate acidosis, gastric acidity is normal. In the absence of food, the stomach secretes a juice created ideal conditions for the healing of the ulcer.
During this time, dissolved and excreted through the lymphatic system contents capillary bronchi. Light straightened, oxygen reaches the pulmonary alveoli and digest them, which also contributes to ulcer healing. Sufficient oxygen is critical for proper metabolism in the tissues, and therefore in the treatment of the ulcer will help the reception of hydrogen peroxide orally (10 drops 3 times daily in a tablespoon of boiled water).
Arnold eret: Quirks of our food are the main causes of all diseases
Prevention of cervical lumbago—exercises for Chelnokova
A month after the start of treatment should be at least ten days drinking only juices: freshly squeezed carrot juice along with beet juice and cabbage juice of raw potatoes.
Thus it is possible to achieve real healing of ulcers and related diseases and to learn to control their bodies.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/ekoduh?w=wall-21293291_81031
And that raw plant foods, ie the same one that ulcer not to eat. But that it did not irritate the ulcer and cause extra gas formation in the intestine due to the digestion of roughage, it should be consumed in the form of fresh juice during the first two months.

However, to start treatment you need not even juice, broth and herbs that cause mucosal healing. Drink herbal tea (with a predominance of peppermint)is mandatory with honey for 20-30 days in the absence of all other food in a diet is perfectly cleanses the body (and not only the stomach and intestines) from the residual products of metabolism, especially nitrogenous compounds that destroy not only the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive pathways, but also of articular cartilage and the lining of the brain.
Polyarthritis, headaches, migraine is caused by accumulation of toxic products of nitrogen (i.e. protein) metabolism in these tissues (urea, uric acid, creatine, ammonia, etc.). Thus, healing of the ulcer, we simultaneously treat all these diseases, often accompany human life.
When exiting through the skin the same nitrogen derivatives cause eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc. Hence, their removal from the body also helps in the healing of these diseases. But this kind of "fasting" must be accompanied by colonic irrigation (daily cleansing enema 2-4 liters of warm water (30-36°C) with the addition of two teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of baking soda in two liters of water).
Bowel lavage are necessary not only to remove its contents, but also to clean every cell in the body tissues through the lymphatic vessels that take out tissue toxins into the cavity of the large intestine.

Note that drinking tea with honey is a real food for the tissues of the body. The honey at the same time heals the ulcer and soaked in the stomach, nourishes the tissues and alkalizes the cellular fluid.
Within 25-30 days selecively the whole mass tissues, helps to eliminate acidosis, gastric acidity is normal. In the absence of food, the stomach secretes a juice created ideal conditions for the healing of the ulcer.
During this time, dissolved and excreted through the lymphatic system contents capillary bronchi. Light straightened, oxygen reaches the pulmonary alveoli and digest them, which also contributes to ulcer healing. Sufficient oxygen is critical for proper metabolism in the tissues, and therefore in the treatment of the ulcer will help the reception of hydrogen peroxide orally (10 drops 3 times daily in a tablespoon of boiled water).
Arnold eret: Quirks of our food are the main causes of all diseases
Prevention of cervical lumbago—exercises for Chelnokova
A month after the start of treatment should be at least ten days drinking only juices: freshly squeezed carrot juice along with beet juice and cabbage juice of raw potatoes.
Thus it is possible to achieve real healing of ulcers and related diseases and to learn to control their bodies.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/ekoduh?w=wall-21293291_81031
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