This 90-year-old woman spat on a fatal diagnosis for the realization of a dream

When Norma was 90-years old, her life has cracked. Old American lost his beloved wife, after I learned that she is terminally ill: the doctors found a malignant tumor. Experts recommend to do the surgery, but Norm didn't want to spend their last days in a hospital bed.
— I'm 90 years old. I'm going to travel. — said the patient and permanently left the office of an oncologist.

The norm is not accustomed to throwing words to the wind and soon went on the road. It was accompanied by son Tim, daughter-in-law, Renee and their charming white dog.

Norma admits that travel around America have dreamed of all your life. Emotions derived from visiting new towns, as cheered the woman for some time she had lost the symptoms of severe disease.
— When the caterpillar thought she was dying, she learns to fly, —said the Norm while traveling.

Soon Miss Rules page appeared in Facebook. Every post published on its behalf, gaining 10 000 responses. Here you can find reports on travel Rules, quotes and photos page.

After the announcement of the terrible diagnosis Norma traveled 22,000 miles and visited 32 States of the USA.

Unfortunately, to flee from the Norm disease and could not. She died in September 2016. But until now, Tim continues to spread to the page of the mother in her Facebook photos, quotes and articles. Because of this, even after his death, Miss Norma continues to inspire people from around the world to great deeds and adventures.

According to the materials Driving Miss Norma
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