Find out if you possess the superpower to recognize faces
When it comes to solving crimes, some of the evidence may not be enough. Therefore, the police resorted to the ability of some people to recognize faces on the smallest details that the average person simply does not notice.
The website offers you to learn a little more about this ability, and find out if you possess this amazing quality.
Strange, but scientists still don't understand why some people can read someone's face, even if it is masked while others are not capable.
One thing is clear: if you can recognize the person you saw once in your life among a crowd, it is likely that you are one of those "superhumans" who possess this quality.
It is scientifically proven that part of our brain, with features which we can get to know the person you saw, say, in the subway two weeks ago, is also responsible for the processing of color and how we perceive it. The emergence of "anomalies" in this part of the brain, the person is not able to determine individuals and leads to mixing some colors.
Psychologists around the world are intrigued by the forces of the so-called superapostles because they see the finer details that we do not notice or simply not able to notice. This affects the way such people perceive the world around us.
Conducted research, University of Greenwich shows that when it comes to recognition of other things, such as interior features, shape of flowers, or items of clothing, superreasonable show the same results as a normal person. This observation suggests that our brain interprets facial features on a completely different level than the rest.
It was also found that in most cases, when we look at someone's face, we see it as a whole, and not as a set of individual characteristics.
Visit the University of Greenwich, where you can take the quiz and find out whether you belong to the category of superrationality.
The test is quite simple, but nonetheless pass it successfully not all. Just look at the picture for a few seconds, and then find the same man from the other photos.
If you get at least 10 points out of 14, congratulations, you are the very person to identify the perpetrator in the two accounts is not difficult.
Photos on the preview Depositphotos Olly18
On materials BBC
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