Female maturity: liberate yourself from what was forced to cry
We are forced to cry circumstances that inhibit us and which we cannot overcome. Maturity also implies that we can laugh at what once made us cry.
Then it seemed to us insurmountable, but now it is for us only a memory. And this experience that made us stronger.
It used to hurt no longer.
Never think that you can't something to overcome, we all have the ability to overcome the most adverse circumstances. Just the emotions that overwhelm us in such moments, creating the impression that the circumstances defeat us.
So it's good from time to time to look to the past, but bad to stay in it. We already can't solve the same old problems, overcome those circumstances that in the past, but just "stuck" in that time when we were unhappy.
If you smile, thinking about them, you prove that what used to hurt you and the pain no longer bothers you. It is a sign of maturity.
Mistakes that turn into the barrier we All at some period of his life made mistakes. That's fine, but we should learn from them and not repeat them again and again.
It's not good to tie yourself to the burden of the past; better to throw it out and continue on your way.Therefore, we need to look at what used to hurt us, philosophically. We need to treat our wounds, but not to commit again the mistakes that led to them. You made the wrong decision? Nothing to worry about. All we are doing is a milestone on our way.
This is called "to gain maturity".
Free yourself from what made you cry Make it very difficult, despite the fact that such a liberation occurs not physically but mentally. In addition, we often unconsciously attached to what was making us sick.
A breakup, a break is always difficult, in all senses. To end with some situation to break up with someone, to abandon a part of ourselves that makes us unhappy...
But freed from that, you will feel much better.
Maturity requires a certain courage. Not everyone can look at an open wound, not all can understand when in a relationship you need to put a point — and decide to do it.
Therefore, we must learn to be responsible for ourselves and free ourselves from what makes us suffer.
You learned to smile, remembering what happened in the past? You laugh at what once made you cry? If the answer is Yes, then you have acquired the maturity.published
Source: steptohealth.ru/zrelost-kogda-u-tebya-vyzyvaet-ulybku-chto-ranshe-zastavlyalo-plakat/
Then it seemed to us insurmountable, but now it is for us only a memory. And this experience that made us stronger.
It used to hurt no longer.

Never think that you can't something to overcome, we all have the ability to overcome the most adverse circumstances. Just the emotions that overwhelm us in such moments, creating the impression that the circumstances defeat us.
So it's good from time to time to look to the past, but bad to stay in it. We already can't solve the same old problems, overcome those circumstances that in the past, but just "stuck" in that time when we were unhappy.
If you smile, thinking about them, you prove that what used to hurt you and the pain no longer bothers you. It is a sign of maturity.
Mistakes that turn into the barrier we All at some period of his life made mistakes. That's fine, but we should learn from them and not repeat them again and again.
It's not good to tie yourself to the burden of the past; better to throw it out and continue on your way.Therefore, we need to look at what used to hurt us, philosophically. We need to treat our wounds, but not to commit again the mistakes that led to them. You made the wrong decision? Nothing to worry about. All we are doing is a milestone on our way.
This is called "to gain maturity".
Free yourself from what made you cry Make it very difficult, despite the fact that such a liberation occurs not physically but mentally. In addition, we often unconsciously attached to what was making us sick.
A breakup, a break is always difficult, in all senses. To end with some situation to break up with someone, to abandon a part of ourselves that makes us unhappy...
But freed from that, you will feel much better.
Maturity requires a certain courage. Not everyone can look at an open wound, not all can understand when in a relationship you need to put a point — and decide to do it.
Therefore, we must learn to be responsible for ourselves and free ourselves from what makes us suffer.

You learned to smile, remembering what happened in the past? You laugh at what once made you cry? If the answer is Yes, then you have acquired the maturity.published
Source: steptohealth.ru/zrelost-kogda-u-tebya-vyzyvaet-ulybku-chto-ranshe-zastavlyalo-plakat/
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