Why you should not restrain emotions and why it is best to cry well
In our new reality, accumulated stress turns into internal tension. A person may experience muscle pain, emotional instability. There is insomnia, a feeling of oppression, physical and moral exhaustion. War is full of pain and suffering. We need to deal with the anxiety that builds up inside us. And in this case, tears help perfectly. Today's edition. "Site" will tell Why do we cry in times of stress? And how exactly does that save our body?
Why cry in times of stress We often remind you Keeping emotions inside is harmful. The longer you accumulate tension and negativity in yourself, the more effort you will have to make to return to normal. Many people simply ignore their anxiety. And in vain, because often you can cope with it just by crying.
According to experts, it is not only the fact that you cry, but also who you do it with. If there is a person near you who you trust and who understands you, you can calm down and recover much faster. Therefore, people who cry alone do not always feel the desired relief.
While crying We live our emotions.No matter how heavy they are. Therefore, it is so important that there are people who will not judge you, but, on the contrary, support you. In addition, it is thanks to relatives and friends that it is possible to stop tears and calm down.
Peels can’t always cry on time. And not everyone allows themselves to do that. Then uncried tears spill through other emotions. For example, anger or irritability. If a person does not allow himself to cry, he will replace this process with something else. Psychologists call it. mental health flexibility. It turns out that we can cope with difficulties in different ways. However, you can not get rid of negativity with the same negative feelings.
Every person copes with crisis states and events in different ways. Someone gets better when he cries, and someone, on the contrary, wants to keep the emotions in themselves. It depends. emotional threshold. In addition, people may simply not be able to express their emotions. Often this is due to the fact that in childhood the child was simply forbidden.
Sometimes, when crying, a person thinks that this is the only way to relieve stress. In other words, he starts judging himself for it and comparing himself to other people. Obsessive thoughts are sure to lead to additional tension and anxiety. It may also be related to childhood problems.
Accumulated stress, not released through tears, can be transformed into active-aggressive or passive-aggressive behavior. If a person does not live through their emotions, constant stress can lead to more serious problems, such as depression. Then without the help of a specialist can not do.
Both women and men can improve their emotional state through tears. Although there is still a stereotypical idea in society that men do not cry, this is not true. Or rather, it shouldn't be. Why even the most brave young people can cry and why it is necessary, said my colleague Veronica Zhmurko. I highly recommend reading this excellent article.
Interestingly, there are even statistics showing how much less men cry compared to women. According to psychologist William Frey, men cry 1.3 times a month and women cry 5.3 times. In fact, this explains why guys can be more aggressive and cocky.
Often people do not know what to do if there is a crying person nearby. Incorrectly selected words can only harm and aggravate the anxiety. You can’t say that nothing happened, so you don’t have to cry. Because at least that's not the case.
When you see a loved one crying, you should first try to get a little closer to him and turn the body in his direction. Do not try to hug immediately, but do everything gradually. It is important to show that you are close, and you are not afraid of the state that your loved ones are experiencing.
Peels If a person calms down a little and goes into contact, you can ask if he doesn’t mind you taking his hand. It will show that you want to help and accept his vulnerability. It is important to say words that will help to release tears, not contain them.
Finally, let me say again: It's normal to cry. If you feel that you need it, be sure to cry and get rid of the accumulated emotions. Take care!

Why cry in times of stress We often remind you Keeping emotions inside is harmful. The longer you accumulate tension and negativity in yourself, the more effort you will have to make to return to normal. Many people simply ignore their anxiety. And in vain, because often you can cope with it just by crying.

According to experts, it is not only the fact that you cry, but also who you do it with. If there is a person near you who you trust and who understands you, you can calm down and recover much faster. Therefore, people who cry alone do not always feel the desired relief.
While crying We live our emotions.No matter how heavy they are. Therefore, it is so important that there are people who will not judge you, but, on the contrary, support you. In addition, it is thanks to relatives and friends that it is possible to stop tears and calm down.

Peels can’t always cry on time. And not everyone allows themselves to do that. Then uncried tears spill through other emotions. For example, anger or irritability. If a person does not allow himself to cry, he will replace this process with something else. Psychologists call it. mental health flexibility. It turns out that we can cope with difficulties in different ways. However, you can not get rid of negativity with the same negative feelings.
Every person copes with crisis states and events in different ways. Someone gets better when he cries, and someone, on the contrary, wants to keep the emotions in themselves. It depends. emotional threshold. In addition, people may simply not be able to express their emotions. Often this is due to the fact that in childhood the child was simply forbidden.
Sometimes, when crying, a person thinks that this is the only way to relieve stress. In other words, he starts judging himself for it and comparing himself to other people. Obsessive thoughts are sure to lead to additional tension and anxiety. It may also be related to childhood problems.

Accumulated stress, not released through tears, can be transformed into active-aggressive or passive-aggressive behavior. If a person does not live through their emotions, constant stress can lead to more serious problems, such as depression. Then without the help of a specialist can not do.
Both women and men can improve their emotional state through tears. Although there is still a stereotypical idea in society that men do not cry, this is not true. Or rather, it shouldn't be. Why even the most brave young people can cry and why it is necessary, said my colleague Veronica Zhmurko. I highly recommend reading this excellent article.

Interestingly, there are even statistics showing how much less men cry compared to women. According to psychologist William Frey, men cry 1.3 times a month and women cry 5.3 times. In fact, this explains why guys can be more aggressive and cocky.
Often people do not know what to do if there is a crying person nearby. Incorrectly selected words can only harm and aggravate the anxiety. You can’t say that nothing happened, so you don’t have to cry. Because at least that's not the case.
When you see a loved one crying, you should first try to get a little closer to him and turn the body in his direction. Do not try to hug immediately, but do everything gradually. It is important to show that you are close, and you are not afraid of the state that your loved ones are experiencing.

Peels If a person calms down a little and goes into contact, you can ask if he doesn’t mind you taking his hand. It will show that you want to help and accept his vulnerability. It is important to say words that will help to release tears, not contain them.
Finally, let me say again: It's normal to cry. If you feel that you need it, be sure to cry and get rid of the accumulated emotions. Take care!
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