These 3 questions correctly answer only schizophrenics. Well, or geniuses
Answers to simple questions can tell a lot about a person and what was going on in his head. Psychologists around the world use this technique to understand that this man is a genius or he needs medical treatment.
The website found out 3 questions that will help determine who sits in your head: the Mad Hatter or Salvador Dali.
1. What do the kettle and steamer?
I'm ready to know the answer. Couples.
2. What do a race car and a tornado?
I'm ready to know the answer. The car and the tornado is moving in a circle.
3. What do a Shoe and a pencil?
I'm ready to know the answer. Both leave a mark.
And now the most interesting: who are you? If you are unable to answer these questions, do not worry: you are completely healthy thinking. Well, if it was easy, then you have a predisposition to mental illness and may need to contact a competent specialist with a soft voice and penetrating stare.
This test is called the "method of opposition" and are used for the detection of expanded consciousness. If an ordinary person ask the question: "What is common between a Raven and a writing Desk?", he will answer: "nothing". And to some extent right. On General grounds it is a completely disparate things. Schizophrenics just looking for more shallow and deep options: they can immediately tell that on the table write the letter, but crow is the pen with which to write with.
But how to distinguish schizophrenic from real genius? The difference is that the first answer is so right and brilliant individuals have to strain to discard the windshield, uninteresting options and give a truly unique result.
Illustrator Leonid Khan specifically for the Website
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via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/zagadka-dlya-geniya-862310/
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