Britain confiscated mansions of Russian officials
The Russian oligarchs, bandits and corrupt officials, who preferred to hide the stolen money in investing in London real estate, crept confiscation of property. It will be a direct consequence of the bill "On criminal Finance", introduced recently in the British Parliament.
As said by the British, the new law is a striking example of public consensus: despite a long tradition of respect for private property, in British society there is a tipping point when respectable gentlemen can no longer be neighbors of Russian gangsters. The entire property of the foreign corrupt (and others in Russia does not happen) officials and property bought with the capital of criminal origin to seize the income of the British crown.
— This decision has ripened for a long time, and the government simply could no longer respond to the demands of the society, — commented on the new British law, associate Professor, Russian Higher school of Economics Pavel Tolstykh. — There are only a few known centers where the rich and super-rich people found a "safe haven" for their illegal capital. First of all, it's London, and also of the Principality of Monaco and Liechtenstein. After Panamanian scandal, and output on channel BBC documentary on how London gangster massively launder the money of Russian and Arabic origin, the politicians had nothing left but to play up to public opinion. I think that in practice the law will be implemented is very simple: the owners of expensive real estate will be forced to fully disclose sources of financing of their purchases. In particular this will involve capital amassed in the Arab world and Russia. If the owners of houses will not be able to convincingly and documented to prove to the British authorities the full legality and transparency of their earnings — these houses will be confiscated.
As told to journalists by London authorities, check the origin of money, which bought expensive property in the British capital, they are ready to start now. The first will be to check the homes of immigrants from Russia, Central Asian countries, China and Arab States. The questions of auditors will occur to any property of foreigners, worth more than 30 thousand pounds.
By the way, today, more than 7% of the London property owned by foreign nationals. Most of it is concentrated in the Central part of the city, where mansions are obscenely expensive. For example, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich a few years ago, bought the famous four-storey house Lindsey House in Central London, the cost of which was $ 150 million.
Source by24.org/2016/10/17/all_russian_palaces_in_london_will_be_confiscated/

As said by the British, the new law is a striking example of public consensus: despite a long tradition of respect for private property, in British society there is a tipping point when respectable gentlemen can no longer be neighbors of Russian gangsters. The entire property of the foreign corrupt (and others in Russia does not happen) officials and property bought with the capital of criminal origin to seize the income of the British crown.
— This decision has ripened for a long time, and the government simply could no longer respond to the demands of the society, — commented on the new British law, associate Professor, Russian Higher school of Economics Pavel Tolstykh. — There are only a few known centers where the rich and super-rich people found a "safe haven" for their illegal capital. First of all, it's London, and also of the Principality of Monaco and Liechtenstein. After Panamanian scandal, and output on channel BBC documentary on how London gangster massively launder the money of Russian and Arabic origin, the politicians had nothing left but to play up to public opinion. I think that in practice the law will be implemented is very simple: the owners of expensive real estate will be forced to fully disclose sources of financing of their purchases. In particular this will involve capital amassed in the Arab world and Russia. If the owners of houses will not be able to convincingly and documented to prove to the British authorities the full legality and transparency of their earnings — these houses will be confiscated.
As told to journalists by London authorities, check the origin of money, which bought expensive property in the British capital, they are ready to start now. The first will be to check the homes of immigrants from Russia, Central Asian countries, China and Arab States. The questions of auditors will occur to any property of foreigners, worth more than 30 thousand pounds.
By the way, today, more than 7% of the London property owned by foreign nationals. Most of it is concentrated in the Central part of the city, where mansions are obscenely expensive. For example, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich a few years ago, bought the famous four-storey house Lindsey House in Central London, the cost of which was $ 150 million.
Source by24.org/2016/10/17/all_russian_palaces_in_london_will_be_confiscated/