Major work on home maintenance before winter
The season is over, but in this slushy timelessness between autumn and winter full of cares and Affairs. And have time to finish until the daytime temperature is above zero. That's what they do in October – early November homeowners.
Check the insulation at home
The quality of teploizolyatsii (and waterproofing) of the house depends on how much heat (and ultimately money) you will be able to save money. So, according to experts, most of heat the house loses through:
— Cold walls that allow heat and moisture (35%).
— The attic with no insulation (25%).
— Non-insulated Windows and doors (18%).
— Ventilation and chimney (15%).
— Paul (10%).
Insulated walls and attic
That walls need insulation, you can see the condition of their interior finishes after the rains. If all exterior walls are evenly damp, so a layer of insulation is too thin.For external insulation the effectiveness of insulation will be higher. If for some reason to insulate the walls from the outside is impossible, then
Dampness in the lower parts of the walls said, most likely, the lack of paving or veneer basement waterproof material. Conversely, the walls damp at the top, indicate the leakage of the attic. Or on the ceiling of the attic is accumulated condensate, indicating that the problems with waterproofing or ventilation.
Prepare the basement, insulated blind area
Until frosts hit, it is necessary to check the condition of the basement: there should be water on the floor, the walls should not cause condensation. A dry basement is one of indispensable conditions of normal overwintering of the house. You may need to do waterproofing basement from the inside.
Until winter came, inspect the blind area, if there are chips and cracks, it is necessary to have time to cover them before frost. Most homeowners FORUMHOUSE insulated blind area, although many consider this a moot point, especially if you have Underfloor heating.
Insulated doors and WindowsMany times highlighted the role of a good Windows in a comfortable atmosphere at home. Indeed, Windows with double and triple glazing instead of the old almost 20% lower heat loss of the room. Those who for some reason cares about old window frames, in the winter it is recommended to insulate their special self-adhesive tapes, which are in shops for construction and repair is quite large. In the winter if you live in a city and a country house there are raids, to save heat loss can be, close up from the inside of the window foil PPE. The only way to fix the material tightly, otherwise the event will not make any sense.
Here is a simple and ingenious way to reduce heat loss from the physics, the husband of the user of our portal mother of Jania: leaving villas – tight zaves Windows with double heavy curtains, arrived – don't open the curtains until you warm up the whole house.
As for the front door, from the point of view of heat preservation, the best option is not to insulate one door and two. The first door – metallic, second is wooden (or frame with a heater, or door of PVC with a higher threshold). So, the first metal door should open outwards, immediately behind it is a door that opens inward. This door to reduce heat loss from the inside it is possible to upholster with an additional layer of insulation.
Prepare heating system
After checking the basement and attic, insulate if necessary, walls, Windows and doors, turn to the heating system.
Maintenance of the heating system from the point of view of legislation and common sense should be left to professionals, but to clean dirt filter, check operation of pumps and the pressure in the surge tank you can own. The system of heating it is necessary to check periodically, but before the beginning of the heating season is a must.
One more thing from the list is mandatory, even vital – to check the chimney.
Be sure to check the chimney before the heating season; brick chimney once in three months.Check chimney draught is performed by instrument Testo 521-3, but due to its high cost often used following traditional ways.
Wet your palm with water and attach it to the inlet of the chimney. The faster you dry the palm, the better chimney draught. "Match" ("Paper")
Light a match or a piece of paper and hold it up to the observation hole of the furnace. If the draft is normal, the light will be pulled to the side of the furnace. If the flame is tilted in the direction "from the furnace", an URGENT need to clean the chimney. Prepare the water system
Before winter it must be time to test the pipe for leaks, that there is time for repair or replacement of any segments, check valves, they, too, should not leak. Performs all necessary scheduled maintenance, which will allow you to avoid winter freezing of pipes. The well with drinking water, which in winter is not to be used, treated with antiseptics (sold in pharmacies), after which the water is pumped out.
Street water pipe in the winter can what pipe and jets blown out of the water. Often for these purposes use car air compressor, but this requires a big compressor, otherwise the water in the pipes may need to stay in the winter will inevitably lead to the deterioration of the water supply. Here know-how from the user of our portal galexy456.
However, we must remember that to pump any air surround the tank unsafe.
Prepare drainage system
Checked all pipes and gutters, cracked the elements of drainage system replaced. The gutters between the brackets should not SAG, otherwise in the winter under the snow load it will bend or break. To avoid this, in problem areas put additional brackets.
Before the winter, the gutters should be checked and, if necessary clean of leaves, etc. in General, the cleaning of gutters should be performed at least twice a year.
Set snegozaderzhateli
Do you need body creams at all? Is there any real measurable benefit?
If an avalanche from the roof can damage fence, planting, could pose a danger to running around the house children, then this place will definitely take remarkable.
Tubular and angular body creams can be set at the ready on the roof. Tubular body creams is more preferable from an aesthetic point of view, as they are considered more secure. Installed solidly without any gaps.
These large trouble we should not forget about medium or small to conserve the pool and pond, pour the water out of the tanks and other large containers, grease graphite paint all latches and hinges, to do anything that will help your home to survive the winter without significant losses. published
Source: www.forumhouse.ru/articles/house/6960
Check the insulation at home
The quality of teploizolyatsii (and waterproofing) of the house depends on how much heat (and ultimately money) you will be able to save money. So, according to experts, most of heat the house loses through:
— Cold walls that allow heat and moisture (35%).
— The attic with no insulation (25%).
— Non-insulated Windows and doors (18%).
— Ventilation and chimney (15%).
— Paul (10%).

Insulated walls and attic
That walls need insulation, you can see the condition of their interior finishes after the rains. If all exterior walls are evenly damp, so a layer of insulation is too thin.For external insulation the effectiveness of insulation will be higher. If for some reason to insulate the walls from the outside is impossible, then
Dampness in the lower parts of the walls said, most likely, the lack of paving or veneer basement waterproof material. Conversely, the walls damp at the top, indicate the leakage of the attic. Or on the ceiling of the attic is accumulated condensate, indicating that the problems with waterproofing or ventilation.

Prepare the basement, insulated blind area
Until frosts hit, it is necessary to check the condition of the basement: there should be water on the floor, the walls should not cause condensation. A dry basement is one of indispensable conditions of normal overwintering of the house. You may need to do waterproofing basement from the inside.

Until winter came, inspect the blind area, if there are chips and cracks, it is necessary to have time to cover them before frost. Most homeowners FORUMHOUSE insulated blind area, although many consider this a moot point, especially if you have Underfloor heating.
Insulated doors and WindowsMany times highlighted the role of a good Windows in a comfortable atmosphere at home. Indeed, Windows with double and triple glazing instead of the old almost 20% lower heat loss of the room. Those who for some reason cares about old window frames, in the winter it is recommended to insulate their special self-adhesive tapes, which are in shops for construction and repair is quite large. In the winter if you live in a city and a country house there are raids, to save heat loss can be, close up from the inside of the window foil PPE. The only way to fix the material tightly, otherwise the event will not make any sense.

Here is a simple and ingenious way to reduce heat loss from the physics, the husband of the user of our portal mother of Jania: leaving villas – tight zaves Windows with double heavy curtains, arrived – don't open the curtains until you warm up the whole house.
As for the front door, from the point of view of heat preservation, the best option is not to insulate one door and two. The first door – metallic, second is wooden (or frame with a heater, or door of PVC with a higher threshold). So, the first metal door should open outwards, immediately behind it is a door that opens inward. This door to reduce heat loss from the inside it is possible to upholster with an additional layer of insulation.
Prepare heating system
After checking the basement and attic, insulate if necessary, walls, Windows and doors, turn to the heating system.
Maintenance of the heating system from the point of view of legislation and common sense should be left to professionals, but to clean dirt filter, check operation of pumps and the pressure in the surge tank you can own. The system of heating it is necessary to check periodically, but before the beginning of the heating season is a must.
One more thing from the list is mandatory, even vital – to check the chimney.
Be sure to check the chimney before the heating season; brick chimney once in three months.Check chimney draught is performed by instrument Testo 521-3, but due to its high cost often used following traditional ways.
Wet your palm with water and attach it to the inlet of the chimney. The faster you dry the palm, the better chimney draught. "Match" ("Paper")
Light a match or a piece of paper and hold it up to the observation hole of the furnace. If the draft is normal, the light will be pulled to the side of the furnace. If the flame is tilted in the direction "from the furnace", an URGENT need to clean the chimney. Prepare the water system
Before winter it must be time to test the pipe for leaks, that there is time for repair or replacement of any segments, check valves, they, too, should not leak. Performs all necessary scheduled maintenance, which will allow you to avoid winter freezing of pipes. The well with drinking water, which in winter is not to be used, treated with antiseptics (sold in pharmacies), after which the water is pumped out.
Street water pipe in the winter can what pipe and jets blown out of the water. Often for these purposes use car air compressor, but this requires a big compressor, otherwise the water in the pipes may need to stay in the winter will inevitably lead to the deterioration of the water supply. Here know-how from the user of our portal galexy456.
However, we must remember that to pump any air surround the tank unsafe.
Prepare drainage system
Checked all pipes and gutters, cracked the elements of drainage system replaced. The gutters between the brackets should not SAG, otherwise in the winter under the snow load it will bend or break. To avoid this, in problem areas put additional brackets.
Before the winter, the gutters should be checked and, if necessary clean of leaves, etc. in General, the cleaning of gutters should be performed at least twice a year.
Set snegozaderzhateli

Do you need body creams at all? Is there any real measurable benefit?
If an avalanche from the roof can damage fence, planting, could pose a danger to running around the house children, then this place will definitely take remarkable.
Tubular and angular body creams can be set at the ready on the roof. Tubular body creams is more preferable from an aesthetic point of view, as they are considered more secure. Installed solidly without any gaps.
These large trouble we should not forget about medium or small to conserve the pool and pond, pour the water out of the tanks and other large containers, grease graphite paint all latches and hinges, to do anything that will help your home to survive the winter without significant losses. published
Source: www.forumhouse.ru/articles/house/6960
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