The guy agreed to meet in the subway with a girl. Next is a bright example of female logic
The website tells a funny story of life! Once I was Dating a girl in the subway for work. A girl I had never seen before and how it looks had no idea. We agreed to meet at the station at one o'clock, I go up there, call her on her cell and then orientirueshsya on the ground.
I arrive at the place, call the girl and explain that I was standing at the bottom, near the entrance to the hall, I black jeans, yellow jacket, waiting. Well, says my jacket is blue with red, I'll be right down.
Two minutes later comes up to me a girl in a sweater and no jacket:
Hi, I'm Julia. Are you waiting for me?
— Probably you. Where the jacket is blue with red?
Home. I basically said that my jacket is blue with red stripes.
So I think I would do it with a girl, and could not meet...
via factroom.ru
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