Dental diseases in cats

Dental disease in cats is identical to that diseases of the teeth in humans. And one of the most common dental disease is dental stones which are formed due to the mineralization of plaque on the teeth from food debris.
Since cats can clean the teeth from plaque only special food, which is sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies, the cleansing of the teeth is not completely.
If you from childhood taught your cat to the fact that brushing you do, then your cat there is minimal risk of plaque on the teeth. Unfortunately, not all adult cats agree to interference in the observance of their personal hygiene. So the baby kitten, be sure to include regularly brushing your teeth – the kids are more pliable, and then the procedure enters them into the habit.

The cause of plaque can become already diseased teeth or inflammation in the oral cavity of a cat. In case of accumulation of large amount of plaque, it turns into Tartar. In the transformation of plaque into stone a role played by abnormal metabolism in the body of a cat, the saliva which for that reason increases the amount of insoluble salts of lime. If you are troubled by how to choose a kitten, then to not worry due to problems with his health, forced to disappoint you: even with a great inheritance kitten will not feel life without the attentive care. Good metabolism in the animal body depends not only on genetic predisposition, but also by your constant care-balanced diet of pet.
As dental stones affect the condition of the teeth of a cat? Education on tooth stone mechanically irritate the gums at the base of the tooth there is a "pocket" where food debris, gums bleed, teeth become loose, and meals for cats are becoming so painful that she even refuses food. Loose teeth eventually fall out.
Treatment of dental calculus, which consists in mechanical removal of the stone should only be a veterinarian. To ease the suffering of a beloved cat can host, who needs to buy soft food, and the range diverse.
As prevention vet may prescribe a mouth rinse with a special solution or the use of special feed that clean off plaque and prevent Tartar formation.
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