This restaurant came up with a chic way to feed babies

All parents know how difficult it is sometimes to feed the baby. And if family is selected in the café, please becomes more difficult: and this baby does not like and another, or even sounds catchphrase "I don't want to eat."
In a small school, located in Pennsylvania, USA, figured out how to feed even the most capricious child. And here is how it looks like baby food:

Whatever answer little veronichka, here it will not stay hungry and be sure to get their fries. Perhaps not the healthiest snack, but still many children it devours. And, of course, such a menu is there to ensure parents in a good mood. That's what a creative approach to each visitor!
Source metro.co.uk, Bored Panda
Translation Of The Website
Photos on the preview NABCED / REDDIT.COM
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