From a sedentary lifestyle dies to 433 thousand people a year

Many of us know that a sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems. Some of these problems can be deadly. The authors of the new study argue that the cause of 3.8% of all deaths — is a sedentary lifestyle and its consequences. A man who spends at least 3 hours a day without interruption in a sitting position, exposes himself to the risk of premature death.
To reduce the harm a sedentary lifestyle can exercise. But performed by few. In fact, 31% of the world's population leads a lifestyle that does not conform to the recommendations of the experts referred to in the results of a study conducted in 2012 and published in the journal "The Lancet".
Even if the person does not sit long, lack of physical activity is still harmful to the body. The reason for 9% of deaths in the world from their total — lack of physical nagruzok. It is believed that if a person leads a sedentary life and perform physical exercises, it is still the health of such individual is in more danger than the health of people who do not spend long hours sitting on a chair or couch.
In particular, David Alter, head of the research team from the Rehabilitation Institute of Toronto, said: "More than half of the day the average person spends still sitting at the TV or at the computer. According to the results of our study, even healthy regular exercise alone are not a sufficient factor to reduce risks."
According to researchers from Toronto, sedentary workers increases the probability of death from the effects of disease by 15-20%. If you analyze the increased probability of various illnesses, the 90% increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. At the same 20% increased risk of heart disease and cancer. In order to reduce the negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle, not enough to do an hour or two a day exercise. You need to regularly get up from his seat. At least every two hours you need to carry out standing and not just stand there and stretch.
To reduce the risk of diseases need to eat right, plus sleep necessary for good health time (no need to sleep less than 5 hours per day).
A new study published in the prestigious scientific journal "American Journal of Preventive Medicine," shows that every year sedentary lifestyle leads to death to 433 thousand people. The scientists used data on deaths of residents of the 54 countries of the world. As it turned out, most of the deaths caused by hours of sitting in a chair or on the chair recorded in Lebanon (11,6%), the Netherlands (7.6%) and Denmark (6.9 percent). The lowest level is "sedentary" mortality observed in Mexico (0,6%), Myanmar (1.3 per cent) and Bhutan (1,6%).
"We need to raise activity levels, this will reduce the number of "sedentary" deaths worldwide," says Leandro Resende, the study participant from the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Of course, many of us would be happy not to spend so much time sitting, but that requires work.

According to the authors of the study, reducing the number of hours that we spend in a seated position for two hours will reduce "sedentary" mortality of 2.3%. The calculations of scientists based on statistics, check this statement in practice is not possible.
The results of another study, published in the journal of the American College of Cardiology, indicate the negative impact of a too active lifestyle. This refers to excessive exercise. The fact that they can cause calcification of the coronary arteries. This is one of the reasons for the development of atherosclerosis. There is also the risk of diastolic dysfunction and thickening of the arterial walls.
This study is based on a fairly large sample of data collected over twelve years. During this time the authors observed the status of the two groups of people. The first group, which consisted of 1098 people, constantly ran. Participants in the second group, which consisted of 3950 people were sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. 12 years after the beginning of observations in the first group of 28 people died, the second 128 people.
As it turned out, the mortality rate of those study participants who ran more than 4 hours a week with a speed above 11 km/h with a schedule of training for 2.5 hours three times a week, was approximately equal to the mortality rate among the participants of the second group.
Physical activity and its impact on human health is a complicated issue. Despite the fact that the subject carried out a large number of studies not all are performed correctly. And more research is necessary to spend in the future. According to experts from the University of Iowa, ideally, all studies should be conducted under permanent control, the only way to make unambiguous conclusions about the impact of physical activity on human health.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/280758/
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