Construction began on the world's largest tidal power plant
In the Strait of Pentland Firth on the Northern coast of Scotland began the first phase of the construction of the world's largest tidal power plant, the total capacity of which may amount to 398 MW.
If the company MeyGen, which is engaged in construction of the power plant will receive additional funding, the station will provide electricity to approximately 175 thousand households. To generate electricity will have 269 turbines. But at the initial stage it is planned to install a total of six turbines — they will produce up to 9 MW of electricity.
The first turbine with a height of almost 15 metres long and weighing 18 tons, the company officially launched on September 13.
According to The Guardian, the draft of the first phase of the construction of Scottish tidal power involves the largest American investment Bank Morgan Stanley, the French energy company International Power and Australian turbine manufacturer Atlantis Resources Corporation.
The construction is also funded by the Scottish government, which has allocated for the project is approximately $30 million.
In the Strait of Pentland Firth, near the station MeyGen may soon be another tidal power plant. It intends to build the company Scottish Power Renewables, which had previously installed 8 turbines with total capacity of 10 MW near the island of Islay on the West coast.
Renewable tidal energy has become one of the most important areas of new energy developed in Scotland. The first underwater turbine was installed in the Strait of Bluemull Sound in the North in late August. Scotland plans to switch to renewable electricity in 2020. published
Source: hightech.fm/2016/09/14/meygen_scotland

If the company MeyGen, which is engaged in construction of the power plant will receive additional funding, the station will provide electricity to approximately 175 thousand households. To generate electricity will have 269 turbines. But at the initial stage it is planned to install a total of six turbines — they will produce up to 9 MW of electricity.
The first turbine with a height of almost 15 metres long and weighing 18 tons, the company officially launched on September 13.
According to The Guardian, the draft of the first phase of the construction of Scottish tidal power involves the largest American investment Bank Morgan Stanley, the French energy company International Power and Australian turbine manufacturer Atlantis Resources Corporation.
The construction is also funded by the Scottish government, which has allocated for the project is approximately $30 million.

In the Strait of Pentland Firth, near the station MeyGen may soon be another tidal power plant. It intends to build the company Scottish Power Renewables, which had previously installed 8 turbines with total capacity of 10 MW near the island of Islay on the West coast.
Renewable tidal energy has become one of the most important areas of new energy developed in Scotland. The first underwater turbine was installed in the Strait of Bluemull Sound in the North in late August. Scotland plans to switch to renewable electricity in 2020. published
Source: hightech.fm/2016/09/14/meygen_scotland
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