Mobile pizzeria Del popolo

Pizza has long been a popular dish around the world. It is therefore not surprising that the first pizzeria on wheels appeared on the birthplace of pizza in Naples, and thousands of miles away in the capital of California San Francisco.

Her owner John Darsky spent 150 thousand dollars to first buy a truck and equip it with a kitchen with glass walls (so that customers could see their order being prepared). In a large oven that can heat up to about 800 degrees, occupies a third of the food container.

But the most important component of this mobile pizzeria, which received the name Del Popolo ("People") – a real oven ispechennye pizza imported directly from Naples. It stoked with wood, achieving an optimal 800°C – it is at this temperature the cake is baked until tender in just a minute. Plus another minute on culinary delights as a result, the client receives real Neapolitan pizza in just 120 seconds after it was ordered.
It should be emphasized the fact that cars which sell pizza, around the globe travels a lot, but the California-Del Popolo is the only place where not warm up previously cooked pizza, and cook it from scratch from ingredients Neapolitan, Neapolitan recipes and a true Neapolitan oven.

Source: /users/104