Mini microscope for iPhone

Literally every day for iPhone there are a growing number of apps and accessories. It is difficult to imagine a function that our time had not yet mastered this smartphone. And more recently it can work as a microscope — to the delight of young naturalists appeared such a device, complementary to the most popular phone in the world.

Who as a child, visiting biology classes and considering them all sorts of microscopic organisms, had a dream to own a device that allows you to do the same at home? Fortunately, in our time to do it is not so difficult. Furthermore, the microscopes can generally be carry in pocket. For example, ultra-compact roscopically telescomicro or a special accessory for mobile phone iPhone.

Twenty years ago we could not imagine that in the pocket of each of us will be a device that allows you to make calls from any corner of the Earth, to go on video with friends, receive and send emails, listen to music, watch videos, and even make instant pictures that you can send to someone from another country. Modern smartphones provide us all this facilities and even more. And their capabilities are growing every day. For example, not so long ago there was a device that turns mobile phone into microscope. We are talking about a device designed to work with smartphone iPhone, which is attached thereto as an accessory.
This device has a camera that allows you to increase the resulting image 60 (sixty!) times and display it on the screen of a mobile phone. When operating the gadget in conditions of poor lighting, this accessory has three LEDs for illumination. And, of course, obtained with the help of this mini-microscope image, it will be easy to commit to memory, photographed on iPhone — it works as a complement to the camera of this smartphone.
Source: /users/78