Aloe Vera for weight loss
This plant can have a laxative effect, strongly affecting the colon. 8 hours after eating the inside of the preparation with aloe, there is a rich and soft stool. Therefore, you can actively use such drugs, to irritate the intestines, and fight constipation. Then, you need to know the measure. You cannot increase the dose of these laxatives, because you can cause inflammation in the colon or worsen the bowel movements.
Second, very often the aloe Vera juice is used for the integrated treatment of obesity. Because it helps to remove toxins from the intestines, breaks down fecal debris and reduces body weight. So it can be used in a juice fast where diet consists of juices. Real juice normalizes appetite and improves digestion, affects the efficient secretion of digestive glands, adds strength. At home prepared juice from fresh leaves. Drink before meals for 15 minutes on a teaspoon 2 times in the evening and at night.
Take a course in one or two weeks. Before you can use the leaves for juice, the plant is not watered for three days. With a knife cut the leaves, well washed under running water and remove the top peel. The pulp of the leaves pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass, preferably through several layers of cheesecloth. Keep the juice for only three days and in the refrigerator. For juice better to use plants older than three years. Now sold special products in gel form or capsules. The action of these drugs is complex, in addition to aloe in them are many other useful trace elements, of about twenty.
Ie it turns out a vitamin pill to help fight obesity without harmful side effects. After taking Alievich products restores the endocrine system, the body is cleared, as manifested in the cleansing of the acne rashes.
Source: /users/117
Second, very often the aloe Vera juice is used for the integrated treatment of obesity. Because it helps to remove toxins from the intestines, breaks down fecal debris and reduces body weight. So it can be used in a juice fast where diet consists of juices. Real juice normalizes appetite and improves digestion, affects the efficient secretion of digestive glands, adds strength. At home prepared juice from fresh leaves. Drink before meals for 15 minutes on a teaspoon 2 times in the evening and at night.
Take a course in one or two weeks. Before you can use the leaves for juice, the plant is not watered for three days. With a knife cut the leaves, well washed under running water and remove the top peel. The pulp of the leaves pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass, preferably through several layers of cheesecloth. Keep the juice for only three days and in the refrigerator. For juice better to use plants older than three years. Now sold special products in gel form or capsules. The action of these drugs is complex, in addition to aloe in them are many other useful trace elements, of about twenty.
Ie it turns out a vitamin pill to help fight obesity without harmful side effects. After taking Alievich products restores the endocrine system, the body is cleared, as manifested in the cleansing of the acne rashes.
Source: /users/117