Basic instinct: the Great migration of animals in Africa

In nature everything is subordinated to the unwritten rules: from year to year the animals, obeying instincts, making far journeys in search of food. Every year from may to September in the African valley of the Mara river, which flows between Kenya and Tanzania, you can observe an amazing phenomenon – the Great migration of animals. Over two million animals travel to greener pastures, overcoming many obstacles on your way. Wildebeest, zebras and gazelles – the true nomads of our time.

In search of food animals travel from the Serengeti Park in Tanzania to Kenya Park, the Masai Mara. The main obstacle on their way to becoming the Mara river which the herds of animals are wading in. Of course, many of them die, becoming easy prey for lions, cheetahs, hyenas, wild dogs and jackals. During migration, raptors on the heels of herbivores. Crossing the Mara is considered one of the most difficult and dramatic episodes in the migration of the animals, this is filmed a lot of documentaries.

Crossing the river, some animals are trampled, others were drowning. Another danger awaiting them in the water — crocodiles, which also prey on defenseless swimmers. Annually in search of food and water sent about 1.5 million wildebeest and 300 000 zebras, but 250 000 animals usually die on the way.

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