A lot of Laundry! Creative circus clothespins Pegzini Family
Fifty four million seven hundred five thousand three hundred forty two
This everyday and banal activity like doing Laundry, can bring much more fun, if you approach this process with a healthy share of humor and creativity. Although this activity is hardly a good springboard for creativity and creativity, designer Oded Friedland and artist Inbal Hoffman hoping that they have created a set of funny underwear pegs Pegzini Family will help him become a little more interesting.
A series of clothes pegs Pegzini Family consists of five unusual design pegs, which represent members of the circus family Pagini. Jugglers, tightrope walkers, acrobats, tightrope walkers, jugglers, strongmen, smart monkeys on bikes — they know how to entertain the audience and arouse their admiration and surprise of his extraordinary talents. In particular, the talent to balance on a rope, performing all the circus stunts and tricks. However, in our case, the original characters from Pegzini Family will perform at the "rope" the only trick, but no less important: firmly hold the linen to it is not blown away from the balcony.
Hanging on the clothesline linen, and fixing them these fancy clothespins, you may have a small circus. And it will certainly appeal to children who want to participate in presenting, simultaneously helping parents to finish washing. So designer clothespins not only to entertain, but to be an instrument in educational gaming work, in which the children are activated much more readily. The cost of such a set of linen clothespins is $ 17, and in August he appeared on "the shelves" many online stores.
Source: /users/78
This everyday and banal activity like doing Laundry, can bring much more fun, if you approach this process with a healthy share of humor and creativity. Although this activity is hardly a good springboard for creativity and creativity, designer Oded Friedland and artist Inbal Hoffman hoping that they have created a set of funny underwear pegs Pegzini Family will help him become a little more interesting.
A series of clothes pegs Pegzini Family consists of five unusual design pegs, which represent members of the circus family Pagini. Jugglers, tightrope walkers, acrobats, tightrope walkers, jugglers, strongmen, smart monkeys on bikes — they know how to entertain the audience and arouse their admiration and surprise of his extraordinary talents. In particular, the talent to balance on a rope, performing all the circus stunts and tricks. However, in our case, the original characters from Pegzini Family will perform at the "rope" the only trick, but no less important: firmly hold the linen to it is not blown away from the balcony.
Hanging on the clothesline linen, and fixing them these fancy clothespins, you may have a small circus. And it will certainly appeal to children who want to participate in presenting, simultaneously helping parents to finish washing. So designer clothespins not only to entertain, but to be an instrument in educational gaming work, in which the children are activated much more readily. The cost of such a set of linen clothespins is $ 17, and in August he appeared on "the shelves" many online stores.
Source: /users/78