Fennec Fox, the smallest Fox in the world

Fenech (lat. Vulpes zerda) is the name of the animal was derived from the Arabic word fanak, which means Fox, and the name of the animal "zerda" comes from the Greek word for photocopier – dry, which refers to the habitat of the Fox. Fennec Fox – the smallest canid species in the world.
Young Fenech almost white. Ears of the Fennec Fox is the biggest among predators in relation to the size of the head; they reach 15 cm in length and need for better cooling of the body in the heat of the day. Huge ears enable him to catch the lightest rustle made by its victims. May long to go without water, getting the liquid out of the meat, leaves and berries. Makes the food supply. The lifespan of the Fennec Fox in captivity is 14 years.

The main enemies of Fennec Fox in the wild of the African varieties of eagle owl. Evidence that the larger predators prey on the fence absent. The family of the fence digging burrows in the sand for life and protection. Mink can be up to 120 square meters and to connect with the burrows of other families. The exact number of Fenech is not known but it is believed that at the moment he is not in danger of extinction.

The Fennec Fox is omnivorous and a large part of feed digs up sand and earth. Prefers hunting alone, like all foxes. The Fennec Fox feeds on small vertebrates, eggs, insects (including grasshoppers), carrion, roots and fruit. Typically, this species belongs to the genus of Foxes, but it is a moot point, because the fence differ markedly from the ordinary types of foxes. Fur Fenech appreciate the indigenous tribes of North Africa and some parts of the world, this animal is exotic. The boundaries of the home area fence labeled urine and feces. They are very "talkative": they bark, whine, growl and howl. The sexual maturity at the fence comes in 6-9 months. Fence sometimes young remain with parents and help raise the new offspring.
Fenek discovers great agility and liveliness, the ability to jump high and far up to 0.7 m up.

Source: /users/104
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