Lake General Carrera and the marble remery

Marble caves Cavernas del Marmor is located near a small Peninsula of limestone, washed by the waters of lake General Carrera (General Carrera), Chile. It is several Islands, raspolozhilas the shores of the lake and named the Marble Cathedral (Catedral de Marmol) Marble cave (Caverna de Marmol) Marble chapel (Capilla de Marmol). They are natural obrazovaniem consist of 94% of calcite and contain about 5 million tons of natural blue and pink marble. Having a cave as a result of deep changes in the landscape in postglacial period and under the influence of waves. Inside they represent passages filled with water, which form a network of mazes. Light, popadenii on water, reflected in the carved marble walls and creates a charming light show.

Lake General Carrera is also in its remarkable. Formed from glaciers and surrounded on all sides by ranges of the Andes, it is among the ten deepest lakes in the world. In the Western part, on the territory belonging to the Chilean region of Aisen (Aysen), its depth is 586 meters. The lake is located on the territory of two countries, Chile and Argentina. 970 km2 and is located on the Argentine side, and 880 km2 to the Chilean. In Argentina called Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires). Both names are internationally recognized.
In the waters of General Carrera inhabited by a large number of trout and salmon. Therefore, it is a kind of Paradise for fishermen. The level and color of the water in the lake vary depending on the time of year. The water is pristine and stands out a nice turquoise, emerald and aquamarine shades. Scientists claim that this coloring is a result of the grinding of glacial silt.

To get to these magical places to fly by plane from Santiago (Santiago) to Coihaique (Coyhaique), and then three hours to go South on a dirt road in Puerto Rio Tranquilo (Puerto Rio Tranquilo). From here to the Marble caves tours on boats. When you visit these places you should choose the best time to swim in the cave. The lowest point of the water in the passages reaches in early spring.
Among tourists, the Marble caves — the most popular place in all of Patagonia.

Source: /users/104
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