CERV bike company Cannondale
In order to describe the characteristics of CERV bike from Cannondale, the company will use any epithets, but the word "normal". The concept of the bike suggests its amazing adaptability to drive literally any landscape. Bezbiletnaya the design of this bike also has the usual chain drive. And the ability to adjust the saddle under the rider and the magnificent, even some sexy, form machines make the design of this bike is absolutely different from its fellows. It is the company Priority Designs was so amazing to visualize the advanced concept Cannondale.
Adjustable steering column CERV bike is able to move in the direction as forward-backward and up-down. A feature of the design lies in achieving those possibilities without altering the seat height on the crank, thus the body of the cyclist is in the optimal position depending on the kind of terrain.
The system of a Bicycle adjusts the position of the body of the rider when crossing certain kinds of terrain. So when going downhill the steering column of the bike is transferred forward and down, providing position with low resistance. When climbing, it moves up and back, creating a more vertical position for maximum exposure to the crank. Installing traditional forks on the bike made the adjustment, and therefore was proposed unilateral folding lever.
The design of the bike without front fork feather has its own problems, joint multi-axis adjustable system of this device takes it to a completely different level of complexity.
Source: /users/104

Adjustable steering column CERV bike is able to move in the direction as forward-backward and up-down. A feature of the design lies in achieving those possibilities without altering the seat height on the crank, thus the body of the cyclist is in the optimal position depending on the kind of terrain.
The system of a Bicycle adjusts the position of the body of the rider when crossing certain kinds of terrain. So when going downhill the steering column of the bike is transferred forward and down, providing position with low resistance. When climbing, it moves up and back, creating a more vertical position for maximum exposure to the crank. Installing traditional forks on the bike made the adjustment, and therefore was proposed unilateral folding lever.
The design of the bike without front fork feather has its own problems, joint multi-axis adjustable system of this device takes it to a completely different level of complexity.

Source: /users/104